Chapter 45

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We had a great time with my in laws. I'm laying ontop of Njabulos chest drawing little hearts after a steamy session we just had and we are both not sleepy .
" Baby I have to go see Lisa it's been a while since I last saw her "
Him: You will not sleepover?
Me: ofcourse I will sleepover babe
Him: I enjoy having you in my arms like this and I want to sleep like this for the rest of my life, please dont sleep over because its gonna be hard for me to fall asleep , I'm so used to sleeping in your arms
Me: mmh I will come back then
Him: ugh.. I think you shouldn't, uqinisile you haven't seen her in a while
- You're right
Me: you are a darling
Him: for you, always.
Me: I love you
Him: uthandwa yomi
- you are loved by me.
Him: how do you feel about finding your family? "

The beat of my heart changed drastically
Me: Family? What family? " I tried to free my self from him but he held me tightly
Him: listen babe. I know that you say you dont know about your parents roots as it was always the three of you no extended family members and whatsoever. But I think if we look for them we might find them.
Me: why haven't they looked for me if they want to be found? My parents has never ever spoken to me about their siblings or their parents and maybe it was for a good reason ."
Him: I'm a very traditional man babe, I want to pay Lobola to your real family once we decide to get married "
Me: I dont want to talk about this thing Njabulo, that family you are talking about would have found me if they wanted to.
Him: what if they dont know about you?
Me: Oh please, just drop it, let go of me".
Him: we will look for them." He let go of me and I made sure to create some space between us .
Him: stop sulking my love, it doesnt suit you.
Me: let's say we do find them, then what?
Him: You will find out why your parents left. After that you will decide if you want to build a relationship with them or not."
Me: I will think about it.
Him: that's all I ask.

☆ Thabiso☆

I don't know what type of bad luck is this. Just yesterday I had money and today , today I have nothing on my name. Atleast I still have work but it's not the same. How am I gonna pay for all the essentials at home this month. Worse the month has just started and my parents are expecting money from me very soon. At this point in really wish that Thabani had a job. He would have helped me.
If Noxolo was here she would have known what to do and did everything in her power to help me. I'm sure by now her business in selling the fast food would have bloomed into something more only if!.

This thing has really humbled me . And now I must not spend money recklessly or give Thabani any cent because the reason he is not working is because I give him money. I think he should sell fast food just like Noxolo used to do because he seems to like quick cash.

I heard a knock on my door and I stood up to open.
Mama: Thabiso
Me: Mama, uyaphila?
Mama: Ngyaphila, ngihamba nomama basesontweni siya emthandazweni wakusihlwa
- I'm fine, I'm leaving with church ladies for a night prayer
Me: Uhambe kahle mama
- Go well
Mama: ngicela ungihambise Ndodana
- please take me there son.
Me: Ma, I'm trying to save petrol. I told you that this month I'm broke , right? So the little petrol I have to save so that I will be able to go to work. Ask Thabani
Mama: Kodwa nawe uyazi ukuthi uThabani akahlali ekhaya
- But you know that Thabani is always not here at home
Me: I'm sorry Mama. My hands are tied
Mama: Okay kulungile" she left , after a while I felt really bad and I decided to take her .
Me: it's fine I'll take you"
She was by the gate leaving already .
I know who took my money and I seriously want to make him pay but I wont. I will keep my distance but I'll be watching him. One mistake nje and I'll have Noxolo all to my self.

☆ Njabulo☆

Noxolo has left to visit Lisa and I'm already bored with being alone in this house. I'm so used to spending too much time with her now even my friends are starting to notice that I dont spend just as much time as I used to spend with them before.
I'm sitting outside drinking beer when a lady with a huge suitcase approaches me.
Her: hello"
Me: Hi
Her: I'm sorry to bother you but I think I'm lost. I'm looking for Sebenzile
Me: Hhayi you are really lost my sister. Try the other neighbors
Her: oh God. I've been up all day now, she told me she lived around here and I lost the paper where I wrote the address " she started crying
Me: um.... dont cry, let me help you look for her okay? Its gonna be fine you will find her. Just dont cry please
Her: I'm sorry it's just that I've been going up and down all morning and I'm getting frustrated now because I..."
Me" it's fine. Let's go with my car it will be easier. I'm Njabulo by the way
Her: Lungile , my name is Lungile.

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