Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

Njabulo point of view.

My mother has called a family meeting I've just received a message from her. I wonder what it Is about. Why didnt she tell me about the meeting yesterday because I was home the whole day. Let me go there I can't even wait to even know what's all this about.
I got home and I was shocked to see Bongeka, this is serious Mos. I mean she came back home.
Me: sanibonani.
Mother: You've finally graced us with your presence
Me: Mama please. Umayelana nani lomhlangano?
- what is this meeting about?
Bongeka: yea mama kwenzakalan?
- What's happening?
Mother: Last week I was approached by some guy called Clive, he wants us to sell him the shop and he will give us any amount of money we want .
Me: I hope you refused Mama.
Mother: I thought long and hard about it and I think we should sell. We can even say the place is 2mil and he will give it to us
Me: even if it was billions mama but hhayi I don't agree, in fact we are not selling
Bongeka: I'm sure Mama knows what she's doing with selling the place Bhut'Njabulo .
Me: ayi shut up wena. You only want money nje. Mama uqale nini ukthanda imali kangaka?
- when did you start loving Money this much.
Mother: this is not about the money. But we all know that the shop is not doing well ever since that shop from down the street opened. Also it's my decision if I want to sell it because it is after all mine.
Me: oh now its yours, remember you wanted nothing to do with it and now that someone wants to buy it sekungesakho?
- ... it's yours?
Mother: I dont have to explain my self to you Njabulo uyingane uzokwenza lento otshelwa yona. I'm selling and there's nothing you will do to stop me
- you are a child and you will do what you are told.
Me: What if I buy the shop my self?
Mother: (she laughs) with what money?. I know you might afford it but that guy said he is going to pay whatever amount of money I want.
Me: What about my fathers hard work mama, he built that place and wena you just want to sell it. That place is the legacy , I'm leaving and I hope when I come back you'll be back In your senses. " I stood up then took my car key and left. I heard Bongeka telling my mother that she is behind her 100% , nxx that one just loves money. I found my self driving around in circles and I remembered that I have a girlfriend , a beautiful one at that, that invited me to dine with her . I decided to drive to her house.

Noxolo ☆

When Njabulo told me that he cant join us I was kinda understanding, I mean it was short notice also he said Sunday night is especially reserved for his mother, I was shocked when I got the text message that he was outside. Luckily I cooked enough food.
I got out and his car was parked in a weird way, is he okay? He got out of the car when he saw me approaching his car and just hugged me. I took his hand and led him inside the house to my room . Thanks God Lisa is at her room .
Me: What's wrong? " I asked cause I saw that he wasnt fine.
Him: I dont want to bother you with my problems babe, you might just run away from me" I know he was just saying this because we just met but I already care about him a lot.
Me: You won't be bothering me, but first let me make you something to eat. "
I got out and closed the door and Lisa was also coming out of her room.
Lisa: I'm so hungry
Me: the food has been ready a long time ago.
Lisa: was still catching up on my work, I thought I heard Njabulo's voice???
Me: Yea he's here but he's not fine so he's not gonna be joining us . I'm just here to dish up for him.
Lisa: its nice hey.. next weekend ke babes I'm leaving
Me: uyaphi?
- where are you going?
Lisa: im visiting my parents
Me: ( I laughed) thought you were gonna say you've found a boyfriend
Lisa: not anytime soon babes. I'm so not ready emotionally
Me: mmh okay. Let me go and feed my boyfriend
Lisa: hamba boyfriend " we both laughed and I left her there in the kitchen .

Njabulo: Your roommate is here?
Me: Yep we live together
Him: I didnt see her car outside
Me: you just never noticed . Here is your food.
Him: thank you .
He finished eating and he told me everything that happened with his mother. I was shocked , I understand where he is coming from to him that shop is the only connection he have to his father, it was their place , they loved it and worked on it together.
Me: so what's you gonna do? Cause it looks like your mother is determined to sell the shop to this Clive guy.
Him: at this point I dont know , mom thinks that the place doesn't make enough money but it does, just because we have competitors it doesnt mean we dont have our loyal customers " I could see that talking about this made him really angry, he didnt understand why his mother could think of doing something like this. He felt like loosing his father all over again.
Him:" This was supposed to be our legacy, our children's legacy. Worse Bongeka is at her side. She thinks that she should sell the place I know that one is just happy that they will get money , quick money. But izophela within 2 years. "
Me: "How about you find all the info about Clive and we can go and see him and make him change his mind about buying the place. We will explain how much it means to you. "
Him:" that's a good idea baby thank you. If it doesnt work I dont know what I would do, at this point it's not even about the fact that I would be unemployed, Its that I'm loosing that shop. It's my everything . "

I pulled him towards me cause I could see he wanted to cry. I hugged him telling him everything is gonna be alright . His mom should have just sold the place to him If she wanted the money.

Thabiso ☆

Things have went from bad to worse all within a few days.
Lungile has become so unbearable to live with. She doesn't clean she doesnt cook all she knows is spending my money and meeting with the guy that she is always with. You will wonder how I know this, well I still receive the pictures but I still dont know what to do with them as Lungile hates when people jump to conclusions and I also dont want to jump to conclusions maybe he is just her long lost friend. But after last night pictures i doubt that they are friends as I received a picture of them kissing. Worst of all I think she is blessing him with my money cause she has been swiping from food places to clothes shops. Like Truworths MAN and abo Sportscene . I'm waiting for her to come back so that I will ask her all about her reckless spending and also where she always goes cause she is very scarce at the house now. Even my mother has asked me of her where abouts a lot of time

I was so hungry and today I'm tired I just did my washing so I went to my mothers house.
Me: Nomvula please make me something to eat." I said passing her in the kitchen and going to the lounge to sit with my mother and father
MaNdlovu: Namanje awumazi ukuphi umfazi wakho?
- You still dont know where your wife is?
Me: Hhayi mama angimazi ukuphi uLungile
- I dont know where Lungile is.
Baba: Hhayi lomfazi wakho uyashesha means wami
- Your wife is quick my boy
Me: uqonde ukuthini?
- what do you mean
Baba: Its not even a year she has been married but she is already going up and down at town, Noxolo was better
Me: Ningangitsheli ngoNoxolo ngoba yini enaningamfuni nimbiza ngenyumba mama nawe baba.
- Dont tell me about Noxolo because you mother and father didnt like her you even went as far as calling her infertile
Mama: Hhayi we know we were wrong but at the end she fell pregnant. But you also ended up calling her infertile worse you were her husband you were supposed to support her, thina we did not owe her anything. "
Nomvula got inside carrying my food.
Mama: heeeh she didnt even cook
Me: Mama kahle
Baba: Hhayi yena uMaDlamini wayengumfazi oqotho, epheka nendlu ihlala ihlanzekile futhi nawe wawuhlale ujabulile, manje nje kade ngakugcina ukukubona uhleka
- Hay MaDlamini was a great wife , she cooked and her house was always clean and even you were always happy , now it's been a while since I saw you genuinely laughing
Me: Baba masiyeke ukukhuluma ngoNoxolo , ngyacabanga ujabule lapha akhona
- Let's stop talking about Noxolo, I think she is happy where she is.
Mama: Cant you find her and apologise ?
Baba: vele uyintombazane exolayo ngyathemba engakuxolela abuye ekhaya, and we said find a second wife not divorce Noxolo all together cause we could see that she made you happy
- shes a very forgiving lady , I'm hoping she will forgive you and come back home
Me: Hhay let me go back to my house. I will bring the plate back later."
I left them there, I mean everything they said was the truth. And I think I lost something great i had with Noxolo no I lost something great I had with Noxolo and at this point there's not coming back. But my parents are just hypocrites they were the ones that were busy telling me to get the second wife. But hhayi life goes on..... ...


I have just had an amazing sex ever with Moscow and I decided to take him shopping , I know he can afford to buy clothes for himself but this is just a reward to his very good D game. He gave it to me in all angles and directions.
He hired a hotel Last night and told me that he has a surprise for me. We had a very romantic evening obviously it ended with the amazing sex but all was good.
I'm even thinking of leaving my husband cause Moscow doesnt feel comfortable anymore with sharing me but I have assured him time and time again that I dont even share the same bed with my husband anymore. If I knew then what I know now I wouldn't have married Thabiso trust me. Noxolo should come and claim her man back cause mna ngiwumuntu ka Moscow manje ( I'm Moscow's person now).
Thabiso do come thru for me thou money wise, I love his money a lot he is rich and he gives me all the money I dont need. But now I've just found a perfect person to spend it with.
Moscow: What are you thinking about babe?
Me: About how amazing you were.
Moscow: I know right.. that was good.
Me: indeed ( we both smiled at each other )

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