Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Njabulo POV

I met an angel today in a form of a human. When I knocked on her window I wasnt expecting to see 'here's. I have seen her only once in my life , a very long time ago. I just never thought I could ever see her again . I knew she wouldnt recognize me because I never really got to talk to her.

I used to help out or rather work at my family mechanic shop while I was growing up I learned every thing there was to learn about cars there from the champ , my father. He owned the business with my mother. My mother only minded the office side only twice or trice a week . She was mostly at home that is two streets away from the shop.

When my father died due to an accident at work that I'd rather not talk about it was the hardest time to all of us. We were all so heart broken and devastated- he was the greatest . He loved my mother and us his childrens too much . We were his universe just as much as he was ours.

After his death my mother has never been the same again , he was her soulmate. The money that came out after that mother decided that I should go to university and further my studies , but I honestly wanted us to revamp the shop I really did not see any need for me to go to university because I already knew most things about cars. My mother was so against it that she told me she would close the shop and sell it all together if I refuse to go to school . She said I will revamp the place once I make enough, that will be after university.

I went to university and I obviously studied for mechanical engineering I already knew all about cars but my mother believed that I need a certificate and that is exactly what I got I mean I already loved this so I wasnt really forced because I love being a mechanic. I also needed a degree for people to trust that I knew what I was doing and also trust that I wouldn't mess up with their cars. My father also had a degree so I had to also get it to make him proud wherever he is cause he has always wanted me to further my studies. I mean there was only too much he can teach me.

Today I was driving home when I saw a car standing by the road . I stopped on the side of the road well I passed by first because It looked like the driver was sleeping, she was sleeping I decided to stop. I knocked on her window to wake her up, when she opened the door I was mesmerized, my breath was literally blown away . I last saw her I think she was fresh out of high school.

She came with her father to the shop . I think it was to buy some part of the car they wanted. Bearings or something like that I was too much engrossed on her to concentrate on anything else. At that time I was also just fresh out of university my self and the business was not going too well because we haven't been operating for all the years I was away and also we had some competitors now that opened just down the street from us. It was pretty hectic.

That time I was already in a stable relationship and she looked too young. But now, now she looks so grown up and so beautiful that I had to take a double look to see if it really is her.
Since I gave her my business card I hope she will call me . I know I should have asked her number or even ask her out but i did not want to overwhelm her , because to her I'm just a stranger.

When I got home my mother was sitting in the sitting room watching her Nigerian movies while drinking tea. These are two things that you will never separate from my mother. She became so over bearing when he lost my father.
" sawubona Mah, uphi uBongeka?"
- Hello Ma, where is Bongeka?" I said as I sat down. I asked of ubongeka because I did not see her when I got in and she Is mostly at home when she is not at school.
Mom: Hello my baby, how was work today? I hope you did not overwork your self like you always do .
Me: Work was fine Mah. You know that I have to work Mah.
Mom: Bongeka is in her room sulking. I refused for her to go to a party.
Me: kodwa mama uBongeka usemdala manje . ( Bongeka is old now) . Allow her to leave atleast set a curfew for her.
Mom: Hhayi Njabulo you never gave me these problems. Bongeka is just too spoiled
Me: You really dont have to compare us. We are two different people and Bongeka is really doing well in her studies . I think this is the reason why she wants to stay at res, freedom. Freedom from you always being on her business

Mother : you are always on the defensive nje wena
Me: stop it please mom. I'm moving Bongeka next to school next weekend. She will only come here on holidays or when she misses us. I will... " I was interrupted by a scream.
" THANK YOU , THANK YOU , THANK YOU" Bongeka said jumping into me .
Me" you're gonna crush my bones
Mother: you've also grown a habit of listening to adults conversation now?
My mother is very tough with the girls. She doesnt want them to leave home , she wants to baby them and they are not babies anymore well atleast Bongeka is not.
Bongeka: thank you bhut' Njabulo ,I really appreciate this , you will not regret your decision.
Me: I know you will not disappoint me little sister. Listen. Look for any place near your school and I'll come check it out and do all the necessary things to do for you to live there. But by next week you should be able to move in.
Her: thank you so much Bhuti wami. " she said hugging me again.

Njabulo Hlatshwayo is my name and I'm the older brother to 2 sisters and one brother. It is me ( 32) . Bongeka (22) , Ntethelelo( 18) and Syaneliswa ( 7)

Thabani ☆

This week I'm planning on getting money from Lungile. I know Thabiso is getting paid very soon . I also need to talk to my brother about using Noxolos house. I mean she is never coming back so he will just have to give it to me. I need it to do my stuff also. We cant just let a house rot in and not used. I really hope he will agree with me. Fortunately he is already back from work I'm now just waiting for him outside his house with Lungile. Luckily he did not take too long to get out and he did not look too happy.
Me: bafo. Bengfun ukukhuluma nawe ( brother , I wanted to talk to you) but if this is not a good time I can come back later.
Him: I really need to get my mind off things Bafo. So we can talk. Let's go to Bra Joe will talk while walking there I need to buy some beers . It's been a long week.
Me: the mrs already stressing you?
Him: you have no idea. She wants to go back to work. I mean she hasn't even stayed home for two months but she already wants to go back to work.
Me: isnt that the good thing.? " I mean for me it would be a good thing cause she will give me all of her income while she lives off of Thabiso. And me I will live off of her money.
Him; atleast she should start thinking of going back to work after she gives birth.
Me: I hear you. I dont want to be forward but can i please occupy Noxolos house since we both know she is not coming back and all.
Him: ah Bafo her things are still there and I dont know all our memories are there. Even thou we are over but memories will never be.
Me: please mft I'm tired of living in that small space at the back.
Him: okay I will just have to think about it.

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