Chapter 37

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Chapter 37


Outside Noxolo and Lisa are both seething with anger.
Nox:The nerve, the fucken nerve of those guys.
Lisa: what just happened?
Nox:angazi bacabanga ukuthi ngiyislima mina
- I don't know they think I'm the fool
Lisa: let's go
Nox:I want to go to Njabulo place friend .
Lisa: okay
Nox: I dont know if they are doing this because I dont have anyone that will stand up for me
Lisa: they also think you still love Thabiso.
Nox: then I should set the record straight . Between me and their son there could never be 'us' so they must forget it. "
Lisa: but what about what the sangoma said? "
Nox: I dont believe them, for all I know Thabiso must have convinced his parents to lie on his behalf. And besides if it's TRUE the ancestors will punish them , not me. I have nothing to loose or to gain.
Lisa: let me take you to your man house. Maybe he'll know what to do
Nox: yea.


After I dropped Noxolo at her house today I drove to my house and I found Brandon and Thando waiting for me inside my house
Brandon: you've been scarce
Thando: it's the new pussy
Me: I missed you guys
Brandon: I mean what's not to miss. How have you been?
Me: good, I've found a gem in Noxolo, I told you guys how he helped me with getting the shop back right?
Thando: yes you did and I cant wait to meet her officially, not e club-ini
Brandon: and I want that friend of hers
Me: nope don't even think about it. You're a fuckboy Brandon
Thando : Guys listen, I'm planning on proposing Sma now.
Me : really congratulations skeem
Brandon: I'm not against y'all happiness and all but what about her parents, angithi they still dont know that she's a lesbian?
Thando: I've been telling her to go home and tell her parents, they love her and I know they will accept her.
Me: but she's scared. But I think you proposing will be the motivation to talk with them.
Thando: I guess.
Brandon: anyways N.J last time we talked you said some fucker was messing with you
Me: let me get my self a beers first cause I can see that you guys already made your self at home"
They both laughed
Me: Noxolo's ex is giving me problems. And I think he'll go to any length to get her back. He looked really determined
Brandon: what does she say in all of this?
Me: she looks so unbothered and she doesnt say anything.
Thando: maybe you're worrying your self over nothing , it looks like Noxolo loves you so she will not go back to that fucker
Me: I know she loves me , it's the guy that I dont trust
Brandon: why dont you teach him a lesson he'll never forget.?
Thando: oh Brandon you and violence
Brandon: I'm not talking about that, I mean we can..
Me: dont even think about it Brandon , last time it almost did not go well and this guy still hasn't tried anything since I warned him .
Brandon: as long as you know that I'm here to help
Thando: both of us.
Me: Thank you guys. So wena Brandon when are you stopping your whoring ways?
Brandon: as soon as I can get your girlfriend's friend then I will stop
Me: keep on dreaming brah . " we talked there with my friends laughing , I have missed these morons and it's been a while since I last hanged with them
There was a knock at the door ,
Me: Thando please get the door. " she opened the door and it was my girl and Lisa , and they did not look good
Me: baby ," I said standing up and hugging her. " what's happened?"
Lisa: We are coming back from kwaCele.
Me: beniyokwenzan lapho? And why u Noxolo engangitshelanga. This is why she was so jumpy at work today
- what were you doing there and why didn't Noxolo tell me?"
Nox: it was horrible baby. They .. they are horrible
Lisa: they said there was a sangoma there that told them that Noxolo should come back home otherwise the ancestors will punish them.
Me : what.? Lomjita uyanginyela mos
- this dude is shitting on me mos.
Brandon: seriously, he has gone too far
Me: Baby please go to our room okay, I'll be with you soon. " she nodded and Lisa went with her and few minutes later she left. Saying she have some script to mark.
Thando: You see , you underestimated this guy and now he has just pulled the ancestors card.
Me: I want to know the sangoma that fed them this nonsense and I want to know Thabiso's every move from tonight.
Brandon: consider it done.
Thando: I will be on his tail ke mina wena brandon find the sangoma. I'm sure he will be meeting with him soon they we can visit this sangoma.
Me: Heh people keep on undermining me you know. Let me go and talk to my lady . I will meet with you guys tomorrow
Thando: okay. " we first bumped each other and they left.

I made tea for my baby just to calm her down.
Me: Baby here drink this tea
Her: ngyabonga" she wasnt even looking at me. I think it's the guilt that she didnt tell me that she will be going there ,I mean I even took her home this afternoon, good.
Me: Just forget about everything okay, I know this guy is just trying to play with your mind
Her: but what if everything they said is the truth what if he is my soulmate " I laughed, how shallow can they get.
Me: wena deep down do you feel like he's your soulmate?
Her: Ofcourse not, how can you even ask me that?
Me: I wouldn't know phela Noxolo angithi wena uu met up with his family
Her: I thought it was a serious matter because they said it was about me.
Me: That family is manipulative baby and I want you to stay away from them, or you can always go to another sangoma to get second opinion
Her: I don't feel comfortable with doing that. It will be like I'm actually considering believing the first one. And even if it was true I will never go back to him
Me: as if I'd allow that.
Her: I want to bath baby and sleep , join me.
Me: okay" I'm going to let this slide, her hiding things from me.

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