Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Noxolo ☆

When Thabiso called me I was coming from the clinic. The bleeding couldnt stop so I went there to get some pills . Luckily Lisa borrowed me her car again as she was still at school. So I will just have to fetch her after work.

When he called me I stopped at the side of the road and talked with him. He only talked nonsense and I wonder who sent him that dna test and why because I did not do it as I have no reason to. It's not like I was desperate for him to believe me.

When I tried to re start the car it wouldnt. I tried and tried but still it did not. I called Lisa .
Me: Mngani the car just broke down .
Lisa: Aybo kanjani manje?
Me: it refuses to start
Lisa: and it was due to service last week and I forgot with everything that has been going on. I'll call the car towers to come and fetch the car there. Can you send me your location, ? And please wait for them there until they arrive ?
Me: Oh okay I will do it just now . .

I guess I fell asleep while I was waiting because I was woken up by a knock on my window . I opened the window.
Guy: Sawbona, ngabe kukhona inkinga ? I've passed here two times but you're still standing here
- Hello, is there a problem?
Me: Hi. The car refuses to start. I'm waiting for someone. .
Him: I know a lot about cars. How about I look at it for you?
Me: I dont know. Thing is this Is not mine so I cant...
Him: understand, but just in case in future you need someone to look at your car once you have yours you can call me" he handed me his card.
Me: I definitely will. Is that your car?" I said pointing at the car behind
Him: yea this is my baby. Let me go. But please do use that number
Me: okay . "

I cant believe i just talked to a handsome guy without freezing or mumbling cause I know my self.,Once I see someone I find attractive I become a nervous wreck.
Ten minutes later the people that were gonna get the car arrived and they were kind enough that they gave me a lift home.

I got home and Lisa still hasn't come back. I was really tired so tonight we will just eat bread cause I'm not cooking tonight.
I've developed a liking in writing a diary. I think some people might wonder why I seem to be alright all of a sudden but I'm not really fine well atleast not a 100 % but I'm getting there and all thanks to writing my feelings down. Once I feel something wont get out of my mind I write it down. So this week all I've been doing is write write and write. Lisa introduced it to me and I loved it.
Lisa arrived home a little bit later and she bought food on the way
Me: You my friend are a life saver
Her: I know right. I knew you were too tired to even cook. I even texted u that you shouldn't cook.
Me: weeee angiyazi nokuthi ikuphi i phone yami
- I dont even know where my phone is.
Her: you were too busy with that diary you are holding you even forgot your social life.
Me: ( rolls eyes) I met someone today
Her: ngyazi uzama ukwenzani , I'm not falling for that today. Ngizithanda impela izindaba but nope "
- I know what you're trying to do ... i really love news but nope "

I laughed at her cause I know she really loves news and to gossip yoh. And I also know that she's so gonna fall for it. Lisa has been telling me that I'm now more concentrated in my diary than social life and even her .
Me: we both know that you aren't fooling anybody so quit the act.
Her: okay fine so who did you meet?
Me: while I was waiting for the people that were fetching the car this guy rolled up Friend with a beast of a car and he was so handsome
Her: define handsome pleaseeeeee
Me: dark . Thick.. L..
Her: ( laughing) oh stop it you naughty bitvh.
Me: okay okay. But he's a big guy like very big.. buffy and has a beautiful face .I think hes a mechanic or something cause he offered to fix the car. I refused ofcourse
Her: you refused a handsome guy offer? Oh I so wish I was there right now he would be so under you.
Me: look who's being dirty right now. He gave me his number for once I have my own car.
Her: OMG he so wants you.
Me: ah angazi . Mina ngeke ngimfonele kodwa futhi vele angeke ngibe nemoto anytime soon
- I don't know. But i wont call him and I wont be having a car anytime soon
Her: kanti didnt you get anything from the divorce settlement?
Me: nope, angithi we divorced thinking we will re marry. Heh talking about that . Thabiso called me today
Her: what did he want?
Me: telling me that I did some dna test between him and my baby and sent it to his office. He was pretty angry
Her: What? He is crazy where would you get the time to do that?
Me: that's exactly what I told him. I think someone is out to get him. Luckily am far away from all the drama
Her: even if someone was out to get him i say good. He became a monster over night that one .
Me: I know hey. I'm somehow grateful that I did not get a cent from his money. Atleast he took me to school so I'm still gonna make my own money.
Her: and if you got his money . He would be irritating you at this point telling you that you are living off of his money


My plan is coming along perfectly fine. I'm not in any rush anyways so its gonna go really slowly . Since I've started with the DNA next it will be me demanding for money from Lungile.
"Bafo" Thabiso interrupted my happy thoughts
Me: Awu Thabiso wanginyonyobela manje
- You're sneaking up on me now
Thabiso: you are too deep in your thoughts nawe. Ucabangani?
- what are you thinking about?
Me: I'm thinking of ways to make money " what I wanted to say was that I'm thinking of ways to make money from your wife.
Him: ei Bafo nginenkinga lana. uNoxolo useqalile wenza ama DNA wami nengane angazi ufunani kimi ngempela
- ei brother I have a problem here. Noxolo has started she made a dna test between me and her child. I seriously dont know what she wants from me
Me: unesiqiniseko sokuthi nguyena bafo? Uzozuzani ekwenzeni le DNA ngoba vele yena ubesho ukuthi ingane ngeyakho?
- are you sure that it's her brother? What will she gain with performing the DNA because she already knew and told you the baby is yours
Him: I dont know ey. She has been a problem lately
Me: Ai Bafo maybe it's her angazi . But do your investigations properly
Him: I will have to tell Lungile about this. But I know she will take everything the wrong way and confront Noxolo.
Me: ey abafazi !
- women

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