Chapter 10

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Chapter 10
Not Edited

I had a really great day I was visited by my long lost best friend Monalisa. I call her Lisa
When she came she was walking towards me with my mother in law as she was coming outside the gate. I was really shocked .I even screamed a little . She said she has been looking for me for almost a week now and now she has finally found me. I last saw her on my wedding day. Believe me I know it's been too long.
Lisa: I couldn't remember a coming here friend, luckily I remembered the name of this place and the surname . So I was asking everyone I met of your whereabout and they finally directed me here.
Me: I missed you so much oe, thank you for looking for me. Im not gonna ask about where you've been but I'm so glad you are here now. I really missed you .
Lisa: I also missed you. Listen I'm not staying but next month I'm moving her I found a job at the police station. But I will be moving here in about two weeks. We still have too much to talk about.
Me: Congratulations on your job Oe . we do need to talk hey. Like the fact that you disappeared into thin air. And me divorcing
Her: yes , but we'll talk about everything once I've settled in. I still want to familiarize my self with this place first.
But you're divorcing? That's shocking I mean you were so in love with each other
Me: we were , I'm still shocked mngani . One day we slept okay , great even and the next he woke up and called a family meeting and you will be shocked at what he wanted... a second wife. Because apparently mina I'm infertile and now look at me I'm pregnant and his side chick is also pregnant but he is asking me about the pertenity of my baby , like who does that.
Her: it looks like a lot has happened , I'm sorry and congratulations on your pregnancy . Yoh
Me: we will talk about everything else once you're back dont worry.

When Thabiso got home I was in such a jolly mood I wont Lie. I was so happy nothing was gonna take my happiness away. Seeing my best friend I last saw years ago was just every thing I needed .
Thabiso: Kade ngagcina ukukubona ujabule kangaka
-I haven't seen you this happy in a while
Me: nginaso sonke isizathu sokujabula Thabiso, I'm healthy and my baby is growing very well so yes ngijabule
- I have every reason to be happy ,... I'm happy
Thabiso: mmh I see,
Ngkhulumile noLungile and sicabanga ukuthi umqondo omuhle ukuthi ube yi maid of honor yakhe . Kuzokhombisa wonke umuntu nokuthi sibumbene futhi sijabulelene
-I had a chat with Lungile and we think it's a good idea that you be her maid of honor . It will show everyone that we are United and happy for each other
Me: way to ruin my mood.
Him: I hope that's not jealousy talking
Me: Thabiso why are we still married if you are gonna talk about Lungile everytime we are together? I mean just two night ago you were on my side disagreeing with all of this but now this?
Him: Our marriage has got nothing to do with this , and Lungile made me see reason why you should do this.
Me: more like she made you see her vagina. And it has got everything to do with our marriage Thabiso, do you even have a little bit of love left for me in your heart? Because the way this is going it looks like I'm being replaced big time and you are the one pushing me away, You asked if this baby was yours and I kept quiet just for peace sake but now I think this environment Is not good for the baby ..." he interrupted me
Him: Some of the reason why I decided on talking a second wife is that you talk too much , when I first saw you I thought you were this humble lady that was so calm. I even bragged about you to my friends but now hhayi sisi you disappoint me the way you talk too much. I'm the man here so let it be seen . Now you are going to be on that wedding and you are gonna do exactly what Lungile wants you to do. I can not be upsetting her as she is pregnant. "
Me: And I'm not? . I'm done talking about this but read my lips, I wont be in that stupid wedding let alone being her maid of honor rhaaa nx"
I then left him and went to my room. My mood is ruined



Noxolo has not been this happy and glowing in a long time. I wonder what has made her like this, did she perhaps meet someone else.? Is that why she was so quick on agreeing to divorce me, is the baby even mine? I had a lot of questions but not answers and the only person that could answer my every question is not talking to me. She is sulking because I told her to fulfill Lungiles wishes and sure she will agree in due time I know.

There was a knock on the door and its Thabani.
Me: come in.
Him: unjani mft
- how are you bro.
Me: Ngiyaphila yiwonje labafazi abangi stressayo
- I'm fine, just these women are stressing me
Him: you'll be fine, polygamy needs a patient man
Me: ayi kumanje Lungile is making demands , impossible demands noNoxolo Naye is extremely happy. I even think that she has found a boyfriend that is why she's so quick in divorcing me , we will not be divorcing unless she tells me the truth and how sure can I be that the baby she is carrying is mine?
Him: looks like you're having yoo many problems , but if u dont divorce what of Lungile? You'll only marry her traditionally?
Me: she loves me I'm sure she wont mind marrying me traditionally only.
Him: But what women would agree brother? I mean that just screams that you dont want to hurt Noxolo but you'd hurt Lungile in a heartbeat
Me: Ayi angazi Bafo ngzobona , its friday let's go and get some drinks.
- I dont know bros, I will see
Him: I'm game, let me go and change first.
Me: okay


When Thabani got outside he was grinning evily to himself, now he has got the "motive" why Tee should really die.
The plan has changed all together, he will convince Tee to not remarry Noxolo that way he will be able to hire some man to woo Noxolo into a relationship while hers and Thabiso is sinking, she will not stand seeing tee everyday happy with Lungile so she will definitely fall under his trap. After that he will have Thabiso killed that way Lungile will get all the money as she will be the only wife, and all to blame will be Noxolo because she has found a new boyfriend now and she was jealous.

Thabani smiled again. He got into his room and texted Lungile " I'm backing off for now , let's hope your plan works" he knew it wont work but hey he had to keep her busy with something.
My brother has always been the favorite because he was clever at school and passed very well. I was always jealous of him and hated him ,everyday I hope he just drop and die. And the money he gives me? , he gives me 0,1% of what he get paid every month he is selfish
He can see that I'm not working but still he gives me peanuts.
Now everything is coming together very well, but what of the baby that Noxolo is carrying?

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