Chapter One

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My name is Noxolo Dlamini married to the Cele family.
My husband is an amazing man ever and my in laws treat me like their daughter/sister . Ever since I lost my parents in a fire my mother in law has become my mother the way she was so supportive of me. And my father in law became my very own father. Even my sisters in law and my brothers in law has been the best brothers and sisters ever.

I met Thabiso when I was 23 looking for a part time job as I was studying at unisa, my parents has just passed away and I was the only survivor nakhona because I went to look for a job. I didnt give him any time of a day well because I just lost my parents and also stressed about my living arrangements. I ended up dating him for means of security and a place to live. I don't know when I fell in love with him but hey I am in love with my husband hey.

I think he knew from the start that I didnt love him when I first started dating him because we didnt even start having sex until I accepted the feelings I had for him. He's been an angel I wont Lie. When he asked me to marry him after a year of us being together I was over the moon cause hey I loved the guy and there was nothing else making sense to me except for marrying him.

I already knew his family then and they knew my story so they welcomed me with warm hands and when I married him I wasnt worried much because i already had a stable relationship with my in laws.

Everything was okay until after a year we've been married I still did not fall pregnant. The family started to gossip and say I was infertile. It didn't worry me much because my husband was very supportive and he did not really care much because it was only a year so we stll had a lot of time to fall pregnant.
Problems started after Thabiso's Father told Thabiso that hes allowed to take a second wife if he sees fit because he's getting old without seeing his grand childrens . Also since Thabiso doesnt have any child he was pressured to take a second wife.

I do not know when he started entertaining his family but to me he appeared as the same supportive loving husband I've always knew kanti all along he was cheating. I only found out about this a week ago when Thabiso called a family meeting to tell us all that his side chick is pregnant and he wants to marry her.
To say I was shocked would be an understatement. He should have told me on the side a lone before he announced it in front of everyone . I mean im the one that will be sharing him.

Me: No No no no. Thabiso tell me you're kidding."
It was just after he told us that he has met someone and shes pregnant.. I was still In denial
MaNdlovu: that's great news son. Finally im gonna have another grand child to spoil.
Thabiso: I wish I was joking MaDlamini but I'm not. Shes 3 months pregnant now. We didnt want anyone to know as it was still early.

Me: so I'm under that category of anyone Thabiso? I'm your wife for God sake. I should have been the first one to know and you should've.. you..." I couldn't continue talking cause it was just too much.
I decided to just leave the house because I do not know what I'm gonna say. And I shouldn't be hold responsible for any colorful words I might say.


Sitting here on this mat looking at my in laws family members rejoicing on my pain is the hardest thing I have ever went through
Bab'Vusi: The family is growing I think it is a great idea that you want to take a second wife son and maybe she will be able to give us grandchildrens. "
MaNdlovu: I agree with you baba Sanele , this is the time to rejoice in the Cele family. It's been two years but still we aren't seeing any kids playing around the yard. It is time Ndodana to take a second wife so I'm behind you , I support you"

His family would say anything to make him because hes the one supporting them financially , they are living a comfortable life all because of him so I understand why they cant go against him.

Thabiso: Ngyabonga mama nawe babomncane for supporting me in this, what do you say Madlamini?

Madlamini is me, I'm Noxolo . I was so deep in my thoughts that I did not answer him right away
Aunt Fikile: her mind isnt even here while we are having an important family meeting, maDlamini weeee come back to earth sisi "
Me: What am I supposed to say Aunt Fikile? I'm the wife he was supposed to consult me first before even calling this family meeting. But it's been 3 days now since we started having this meeting and I'm drained , I'm tired. So please do whatever you must Thabiso I dont care anymore"

After I finished talking I got up from the mat they all do not deserve my respect anymore they've just proven to me that they are not my family, the family I thought has gotten my back.

Bab'Ndosi: Manje Makoti uyaphi sisakhuluma, hlala phansi"
- Where are you going while we're talking Makoti, Sit down
He said in his authoritative voice . I quickly sat down fearing this man that only talks when he needs to.

Bab'Vusi: Such disrespect, Thabiso what do you teach your wife?, this is exactly why she needs a sister wife so that she can learn some respect.
Me: Bab'Ndosi what am I to do or say? Angithi Thabiso has already found his second wife already which means he's been cheating on me all along, secondly he wants to marry her because she's pregnant, can you all imagine what that is doing to me? Can you imagine the pain I'm feeling right now? And you've already started calling me infertile while your son was already planning to have a family with someone other than me. I have nothing to say here you all know I cant do anything about Thabiso's choice because I do not have any family members left and my home was destroyed so yes Thabiso you win , yes you all win . You can have your happy family Thabiso mina I wont be in your way "

Thabiso: Let's talk about this when we've all calmed down, ummm MaDlamini you can go back to your house .

He did not need to tell me twice.
We live in a big family home. I have my own four roomed house outside and we all lived a peaceful life up until my husband decided to take a second wife, a pregnant second wife.

My name is Noxolo maDlamini Cele , and this is my story

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