Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

( I'm sorry for too many point of views in this chapter )

The next day I went to church with Lisa and I enjoyed my self . I received a call from Njabulo but I didn't answer cause I was still at church , I sent him a text message letting him know that I cant answer his call as I'm at church.
Lisa side eyed me I guess she was tryna tell me to stop using my phone and I stopped.
After church we decided that we will go and eat out because we didnt cook and we were too hungry to wait for the whole hour of cooking the food before we can eat.
We opted for some chisanyama. I know it might look bad that we are at the chesanyama while coming from church holding our bibles but we enjoy their meat.
Lisa: we are badasses hey
Me: just because we are coming from church it doesn't mean that we cant eat our meat in peace. The vibe here is great.
Lisa: only if we could buy some drinks for later.
Me: we can buy the drinks only if we will drink at the house. Angazi ke wena ama drinks ani ngoba uyazi uyemsebenzin ksasa.
- I dont know what the drinks are for because you know that you have work tomorrow
Lisa: live a little my friend. Wait isnt that Lungile? " she said pointing at the couple that was all over each other and when I looked closely it is indeed Lungile. I mean WTF?
Me: it cant be her really. Its Sunday she's supposed to be spending it with hubby but here she is.
Lisa: trouble in paradise huh , I wish I can see Tee right now.
Me: I'm sure he's miserable.
Lisa: he lost a diamond in you . . Bheka manje uyajolelwa.
- look now he's being cheated on.
Me:: I'm just glad that I got to see the real him friend, otherwise i would still be blinded by 'love'. Let's go I dont want her saying I'm stalking her.
Lisa: okay let's..

Unknown point of view

You know in life everything comes to those who go out there and hustle but this time around to say I was shocked would be an understatement because there I was sitting at my mothers shack when a car stopped just by the road right in front of my mother's shack.

" You are so hard to find." He said after he saw me looking at him , who was this man and what did he want from me.
I kept quiet and just kept on staring at him
Him: I'm sorry for not introducing my self . I'm Thabani and you're just the man I'm looking for, I've been told that you are the best when it comes to jobs like these"
Me: ngicela uhambe nobhedo wakho. I'm not interested.
- please leave with your rubbish ." I knew exactly what he was speaking of. But I wasnt about that life anymore. I was no longer that guy that robbed people of their hard earned money by pretending to be someone and something I'm not.
Him: the money will do you good I swear it's just easy money and nothing more.
Me: still not interested
Him: You'll also get to chow some miserable pregnant house wife while on the side you get all her money. Please my guy " I dont know if he knew my obsession or rather weakness of sleeping with pregnant woman but he really got me there . And the fact that she is married is a bonus I'm sure I'll cash in a lot of her husband money especially if I threaten to expose us.
Me: I will think about it.
Him: that's all I want. Here is my card call me once you've made up your mind I will fetch you here. "
After that he left me with a R200 and I was sold. I'm about to have some money then I can get some air away from this washed up place.

That was weeks ago and I finally agreed to do this gig and its paying off very well and the bored "wife " is beautiful which is a plus. I had to get a fake name once again. MOSCOW

Thabani POV

My plan is coming along very well . I'm so happy and proud of my self. When S.K my friend told me in passing he had a friend that was crazy enough to even con white people I was like. Damnnn you just answered my prayers so I pretended to be uninterested in the story he was telling me by telling him he was lying and he just told me all there is to know about him even where his mother lives. S. K can talk for days.

It is safe to say I found the guy and we made a perfect high working class man that just found himself inlove with a married woman. And that stupid woman believed everything Moscow told her. She's just so gullible I can't believe we used to date . She didn't learn anything from me..

Now it is time for phase two and that Is for Moscow to take Lungile to a beautiful hotel, I will pay for it since well he is broke and he is still trying to charm Lungile into believing that he is moneyed. And we all know what will happen when they are in a beautiful room , alone. And ofcourse
Everything will be recorded just for insurance. It is time Lungile goes down. And I'm still thinking of the perfect nail I'm the coffin for Thabiso.

Maybe I should check up on Noxolo and see how she is doing . I heard that she is still around here but I haven't seen her not that I was interested before. But I need to ensure that she moves on from that moron brother of mine so that once everything comes in the open he won't go running into her. But worry not I'm not about to hire someone to fake date her too , I'm not that evil ( hahaha)

Njabulo point of view

After the wonderful afternoon I spent with Xolo I was so convinced that the universe was finally on my side. I was so happy that she agreed to be my girl friend and I am still happy. Today she told me that she went to church via text message when I tried calling her .
I was so ready to love her with all that I am and even more . She is worth it..
Xolo called and I was deep in my sleep when the ringing of my phone woke me up.
Me: Sthandwa sami.
- my love..
Her: hi " she said in a small shy voice
Me: Unjani?
Her: ngyaphila wena unjani?
Me: you dont sound well thou" she sounded very well but I just wanted her to talk out loud like she always does. This shy persona she is doing right Is not her. Maybe I came in too strong when I called her sthandwa sam. I have to take it down by the notch I think I'm overwhelming her.
Her: ngyaphila, wenzani ntambama? I wanted to cook for you
Me: I would love to taste your food and I'm sure its delicious but I'm sorry it won't be possible today. Mom has strict instructions that Sundays afternoon till night are strictly for her.
Her: okay, next time then.

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