Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

A/Note: I'm sorry for not posting at our agreed time. I'm having data issues namanje nje bangi connectisile. But I've managed to write what I could in the little time that I had.
Happy reading!

Minutes later after I pretended that I haven't seen him making breakfast for me he got inside the bedroom and "woke " me up with a kiss.
Him: Wake up sleeping beauty
Me: good morning baby
Him: I made you breakfast.
Me: wow Thank you baby , it looks delicious " it really did.
Him: so, I was thinking
Me: mmmh?
Him: that you help me with the shop, since my mother wont be helping anymore
Me : oh I can help since I'm not doing anything at the moment." Just then my phone rang and it was a private number. I answered but the person on the other side was not talking he/she just kept on breathing. I dropped the call
Me: weird. The person is not talking, just breathing nje.
Him: let's hope it's nothing serious hun. Now eat up I want us to bath together
Me: okay babe.
I finished eating and sageza. He gave me his clothes so I wore them because I couldnt just wear high heels and that short dress I was wearing last night plus it's a little chilly.
" Sthandwa sam , let's pass by clicks first " he said wearing his sneakers
Me: why?
Him: I want us to do abo HIV test , I know we are both negative but..
Me: that'd a good idea baby, I last checked when I.. " I last checked when I had a miscarriage but I did not finish my sentence " ngingaqala nini ukuzokusiza ke baby?"
( when can I start helping you?" )
Him: as soon as you can. Even monday if you can
Me: I cant wait to start. So will I be calling you boss bae?
Him: No but you will be calling me Mhayise
Me: ( I burst out laughing ) keep on dreaming baby.
Him: let's go...

Thabiso ☆

I have paid the hotel bill and it was a lot, then drove to the hospital. I'm so scared, it is not her time yet .

At the hospital I was going up and down waiting for her doctor to tell me what is wrong with her, last time I talked to her doctor he said that they are operating her because she is bleeding excessively , in everything I hope her and my child get out there both alive. At the back of my mind I'm thinking that is this Karma? Is it the time that i have to pay for all the hardships Noxolo faced because of me?. I decided to call her ,with a private number. I never expected her to answer thou, last time I checked she did not answer unsaved numbers calling her, I guess people change. When she answered I did not know what to say to her because it was just unexpected so I kept quiet but she finally dropped the call and I Sighed.
I saw the doctor approaching and I stopped pacing up and down.
Me: Doctor how is my wife and my child.?
Him: The mother is being cleaned at the moment but I'm sorry sir , the child did not make it. The mother was under a lot of stress and it caused her to birth premature baby "
I just felt unimaginable pain, I blamed my self for going after Lungile in the first place, I blamed her for her hoe ways , she forgot about the baby and she killed him , she killed both my childrens. I will never forgive her for this, never.

I left the doctor there I did not even ask more about the baby I just found my self driving home. I arrived and got inside the house, the house that used to bring me too much happiness but now it's just walls and it's just cold. This is the house that once belonged to me and Noxolo. I found my self in our old room and I just broke down crying , crying for all the bad things happening to me. Why are all these things happening to me, I lost a good woman in Noxolo and I bought my self a bi***ch. I hate Lungile with everything in me and I swear I will never forgive her. After my son burial I'm divorcing her and I will have to ask for forgiveness from Noxolo, I now see that I wronged her. I guess my brother heard me crying because I felt him hugging me
Him: what's wrong brother ?
Me : I just found out that Lungile lost the baby
Him: what? Are you sure?
Me: I just came back from the hospital, the baby didnt make it , lungile was under too much stress she killed the baby. " he stopped comforting me and just left me like that . I wasnt about to follow him. And ask him what is wrong ,nope . I have too much on my plate right now. What ever that made him to leave quickly I hope it passes. Just as I hope I can one day bear to live with this pain I'm feeling right now.

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