Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

Not Edited

Lisa came back and while I was cooking
Lisa: babes I'm back
Me: I can see that" I hugged her " how is everyone back at home?"
Lisa: everyone is great, I missed you. But ngyabona bengingakhunjulwe lana, the glow mogirl. Did you perhaps get the vitamin???
- I can see that I wasnt missed
Me: kuyabonakala? Wow I must praise the bae mos
- is it evident?
Lisa: you're so silly, but yes it's very evident and I want to hear everything about it at dinner
Me: I dont kiss and tell darling..
Lisa: as if kissing is the only thing you guys did
Me: we did so much more than just kissing. That's all I'm willing to tell you.
Lisa: you're such a bore, let me go and freshen up .
Me: okay

+at dinner time+

We were eating over the small conversation and drinking wine
Me: heh mngani phela ngeke uyikholwe le, ngthole I call ephuma ku Thabiso
- friend you wont believe this, I received a call from Thabiso
Her: hhaybo ufunani loyo parasite
- what did that parasite want?
Me: uthi uLungile akasiyena lomuntu wecabanga ukuthi nguyena, and nengane bekayikhulelwe bekungeyona eyakhe
- he said that Lungile is not the person he thought she was, and the baby she was carrying wasnt even his .
Her: and where do you enter kuyo yonke lento?
Me: ngimbuze the same question athi because he wants me back. Uzongilelwa the nerve ngathi ngthe ngfuna ukulelwa.
- I asked him the same question and he said its because he wants me back. He will fight for me the nerve as if I said o want to be fought for. "
Her: uzokwenzanjani? Phela ngyazi uyamthanda wena uThabiso
- what will you do? I know you love Thabiso
Me: bengimthanda mngani. Ngimhlonipha Kodwa konke lokho kuphelile ngaleskhathi engphathisa okwadoti, engbuka ngathi ngiyamenyanyisa. The nail in the coffin was when he rejected my baby and accused me of cheating. Empeleni nje angfun lutho elizongidibanisa noThabiso mngani that chapter is closed.
- I loved him fried. I respected him but that was before he started treating me like rubbish, he looked at me as if I disgust him . Infact I want nothing to do with Thabiso.
Her: but wont you crack under pressure? Ngoba ethi he is willing to fight for you what if he be all over you and remind you of exactly why you fell for him uzothini?
- what will you do?
Me: I will carry on with my life. Ayikho into engenziwa u Thabiso njengamanje ezongenza ngibuyele kuye. Besides I'm with Njabulo now and what we have is so great and I actually love him so much . I know it's still early but ngyamthanda
- theres nothing that Thabiso can do that will make me go back to him .
Her: that's good, I dont want him coming back . He hurt you.
Me: he really did , and his parents yoh. I dont wish to be Lungile right now I'm sure they are grilling her.
Her: it serves her right. You remember how she was when she asked you to be her maid of honor
Me: as if she didnt have friends of her own. I'm thanking God I finally saw the light , at this point nothing can make me go back to that darkness .

A few days later later
Me: Mngani get ready I'm taking you somewhere
Her: kuphi?
Me: hambo gqoka uzobona masifika , wear casual phela ngyakwazi wena.
-just get ready you will see once we get there, ... I know you
Her: it would have been better if I knew where we were going. I might just rock hills while going to the movies
Me: oh for fuck sake, we are going to the movies. So wear whatever . Bae is sponsoring us
Her: why didnt you say so, let me change real quick. I took her to the movies and also we went to eat .

These past 2 days have been hell for me, Thabiso has been calling me non stop. It has even angered Njabulo cause he thinks that he is calling because he thinks he still has a chance with me and if I dont set the record straight with him then he ( Thabiso) will continue calling me. I have even blocked him from calling me but still he calls from different numbers . I really hate how he is making his problems mine.

While we were engrossed In our delicious food , someone cleared the throat , when we looked up its Thabiso. Is he stalking me now
Him: sanibonani .
- hello
Lisa: ufunani? " I just continued enjoying my food as if nothing and no one was disturbing us
- what do you want ?
Him: I want your friend. " he directed his gaze to me " still love your food I see "
Me: are you stalking me?
Him: I'm so flattered that you'd think that, but no.
Me: while we are that, can you please stop calling me. Me and my boyfriend dont like it.
Him: wow is he that insecure? Hes afraid that I'm gonna take you away from him. Coward!
Me: I dont have energy to go back and forth with you. Can you excuse us please
Him: tell that boyfriend of yours that I'm coming for everything that is mine so he shouldn't be too comfortable
Voice: why dont you tell him your self ?

Behind us a voice said, a voice that I knew belong to N.J. I have even forgotten that he was coming to pick me up. Thabiso kept quiet and just stared at him
Njabulo: qhubeka phela ndoda. Bewuthini kambe? Uthi ngiyigwala?
- carry on man. what were you saying? You say I'm a coward?
Thabiso: I'm want my wife back
Njabulo: ex- wife, and she is not a toy that you can throw away and when you see other kids playing with then take it again. So do us both a favor and leave my woman alone . I dont like repeating my self so it's only a warning. Next time I won't be so friendly
Thabiso: I'm not scared of you. Awungithusi
- you dont scare me
Njabulo: oh but you should be scared " his facial expression changed to something I was not familiar with, I saw Thabiso trembling a little then he excused him self, he left as if someone was chasing him. . .
Njabulo: Hey babe , hey Lisa" he kissed my forehead
I was tongue tied, wasnt he just angry a few seconds ago?
Lisa: hey sbari, you put that moron in his place.
Njabulo :( he smiled a little , I can see it was forced) are you ready to go?
Me: yes , we can leave after I settle the bill.
Lisa: dont worry friend i will pay
Me: okay I will transfer your money thou, I'm the one that wanted to take you out in the first place. I will see you tonight
Lisa: okay

Njabulo took my hand back and held my hand. He then led me out . We got to his car
Him: you look beautiful "
I was wearing a jumpsuit with Van's
Me: ngyabonga
- thank you
Him: you're sleeping over today right?
Me: ah babe no
Him: you're sleeping over " he looked at me once and started the car
Me: I don't even have clothes for ukushintsha babe kodwa
Him: we will pass by your place first. Can I buy us something to eat?
Me: no I will cook
Him: great" I could see that he was not happy with me but for my sake he pretended to be okay and I hate that, I hate Thabiso for ruining my person mood


I've been discharged from the hospital and I dont even know where to go. I would've gone back to my parents but I know they will tell me that I'm married I should be at my husband home. Maybe I should try my friend Thobeka , but that one didnt even visit me kodwa I will go there. I had all my bags, Thabiso brought them here and gave meR200 and said I'll see where that money takes but he would have preferred if I went to the streets because I belong there, I guess I deserve it. For everything I did to him.

I got to Thobeka's house and knocked
Her: oh friend hello
Me: hi, please I need a place to stay for a few days
Her: no friend I know why your marriage didnt last its because you cheated and I live with my man i cant trust you around him
Me: hhaybo Thobeka ngyamazi nje uMandla n nadibaniswa yimina manje ngingenza kanjani leyonto
" but I know Mandla and I'm the one that introduced him to you now how can I do that
Her: people are talking out there and nope I can't but since He is not here you can stay for a few days.
Me: that's all i need until i can make another plan. I'm going back to work in a month and i just , Can i come in ?
Her: you will be sleeping in a sofa"

Since I'm the one that was desperate I will do whatever. Worse I know she has a spare bedroom. When days are dark friends are few for real.

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