Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

It 7pm. When Lisa said we had to pass by somewhere first I did not think she meant that we had to do our nails first. Now we are ready to go and I'm so hungry, Lisa has been telling me to stop whining we will eat soon.


We got to the club and it was packed, understandable so because it is Saturday. Lisa said she is a regular so they know her we dont have to worry with standing in line before we get inside.

Lisa quickly found a table for us and i sat down .
Lisa: friend, today I want you to let go of everything and just have fun, forget about Everyone today and just be your old self, you remember our campus days. And you dont have to worry we will get an uber when we leave.
Me: I haven't been in this scene in a while but I'll try to have some fun .
Lisa: Yaaas babe, you were too concentrated about making your marriage work you forgot to be young and have fun
Me: okay please get me savanna friend.
Lisa: I know nothing can separate you and savanna
Me: you know me too well.

Lisa left and I was left alone looking around, some people were just dancing , some drinking like there was no tomorrow and some were just sitting there and talking but you could see that everyone was just happy.
" Fancy meeting you here , I did not think that this was your kind of place"
I turned around and it was Njabulo . I was also shocked to see him I mean out of all the places he could be at but he chose to be here .
"Judgemental much?" I said to him with a friendly smile.
Him: uyaphila mntomuhle?"
Me: ngyaphila, I mean I literally saw you just a few hours ago.
Him: it's always good to see you. I always look forward to seeing you, these past days have been heaven .
Me: corny much? I know my presence in your life is glorious
Him: Oh you know it , who are you here with.?
Me: I'm with my friend.
Him: I'm also with my friend. Would you mind if we joined you guys.? We just got here and there are no free tables available
Me: oh you want to sit with us because there are no available tables? Wow " I said laughing
Him: No No No, I would like to sit with y'all and drink together I mean...
Me : I'm just joking you dont have to explain anything. You guys can join us and I'm sure Lisa will not mind either.
Him: Thank you , I will be back with the guys soon. "
He left.

Lisa came back and she was with a bar man helping her with carrying the drinks
Me: so much alcohol.
Her: we are here to drink not fancy alcohol.
Me : still in that fancing alcohol, Njabulo was just here .
Her: Get out of here
Me: I'm serious. Him and some guys are coming over here very soon.
Her: (screams) OhMyGaaaadd. Tell me you are joking, I'm about to meet the infamous Njabulo
Me: Do not look now but here they come"
She did the exact opposite of what I asked of her
Me: I said do not look Lisa
Her: Daaaammmmmnnnn( Damn) they are so fine. They are fire they are Hot..
Me: I agree with you 100% , pass me my drink please , their hotness just got me so thirsty " she laughed as she passed me my drink.
They finally got to us. They greeted.
Njabulo: im Njabulo and these are my friends Brandon and Thando with her partner Sma. "
Thando and Sma were Les couple.
Me: I'm Noxolo and with me I have my bestie Monalisa
Lisa: i prefer to be called Lisa. Ngyajabula ukunazi
Brandon: Likewise.
Thando: now since we are acquainted with each other. Let us drink.

Basically fun was had. Njabulo's friend can party trust me. All I can say at this point is that we had so much fun and Lisa left there a happy lady cause I was sloshed and I also let loose.

It is the next day and I was woken up by a call , I did not check the caller ID I just answered.
" Hello"
Him: usalele?
- Your are still sleeping? " Njabulo's voice said thru the speaker
Me: Njabulo it's still early, ufunani?
- what do you want?" I did not mean to be rude he just woke me up from my peaceful sleep I last had I dont know when. It's been a while since I slept this peaceful.
Him: Ngyaxolisa bengicabanga ukuthi uvukile, ngingabuye ngifuna.
-I'm sorry I thought you were up , i can call again later?
Me:Usuze wangivusa
- You've already woken me up.
Him: okay ,I wanted to ask you out to grab some food, I actually want us to talk about what happened yesterday.
Me: Kwenzakaleni isolo?
-and what happened yesterday.?
Him: Musa ukwenza ngathi awukhumbulo Xolo , we kissed "
-do not pretend as if you dont remember Xolo. We kissed"

It was as if my memory box was now opened because I remembered everything that happened last night. Worst of all I also remembered that I was the one that initiated the kiss.
I groaned
Me: Can we meet later..? The headache ie killing me right now.
Him: dont run away ke.
Me: I wont.
Him: I guess we will see each other later?, nurse that headache of yours.
Me: okay bye.

I got up from the bed and went to find Lisa , she was on a coach drinking juice.
Me: You let me embarrass my self yesterday aarg
Lisa: You were just having fun my friend. No need to feel bad.
Me : but I do feel bad. He now wants us to meet so we will talk. I will just blame everything on alcohol .
Her: But you were not drunk , just tipsy
Me: dont I know it, hopefully he did not notice that.
Her: let's hope so..

We met. Me and Njabulo . I was wearing sunglasses I was so not ready for him to look deep in my eyes . His kisses alone were just out of this world, I wonder..... I was afraid my eyes were gonna betray me.

Him: I'm glad you came.
Me: You did not give me much of a choice
Him: take off your glasses, I want to see all of you.
Me: my eyes are kind of red right now, I had too much alcohol last night...
Him: Yesterday when you kissed me I was caught off guard. I'm not saying I did not enjoy your kisses I'm did and I..."
Me: Stop rambling Njabulo, I know it me who initiated the whole kissing thing and I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable anyhow, I was drunk
Him: we both know you weren't drunk but I'm gonna pretend as if you were"
He caught me. I smiled a little.
Me: That's not the point.
Him: thing is that you did not make me uncomfortable, you made me happy instead. I actually like you, like a lot
Me: ummm.. okay I was so not expecting that ." That was so random is what I wanted to say.
Him: I know but I do like you. I did not imagine that i would tell you in this manner . I wanted to give you some time to get used to me being in your life.
Me: I'm really speechless right now.
Him: you dont have to say anything, just know that I like you and I will give you some time. But not away from me obviously. I'll be gracing your life my presence from now on

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