Part 17 - Realization

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Tommy's POV
As i jumped off from a cliff with Dream following me, The sounds of talking took over the silence we were hearing

We crouched down and hid in the bushes to see the Past Version of us all together talking about how to get they're versions back

Dream shot a firework to the sky as everybody flinched, I took advantage of they're shocked state and attack Fundy "Fundy!" Eret, Wilbur and Ghostbur shouted as even before they could run over to us. Fundy died by one slash leaving white dust onto the ground with blood stains, Unfortunately. He still had a second life as he got revived

Wilbur/Ghostbur and Eret sighed in relief as they attacked me while Dream was fighting Technoblade with some dead bodies behind

After all the fighting, Me and Dream were victorious. Except for the fact that Ghostbur was already dead so he couldn't die

"Tommy.." Tears formed into his eyes as he floated infront of me "What." I said in a cold and harsh tone "Why?.. Why did you cause all of these?.. They did nothing.."

"Nothing? Ghostbur.. You don't even know what they had done, If you were in my position? Then you would do the exact same as me" A white gust of wind surrounded him as he turned to his alive form also known as Wilbur, He looked at me with a cold stare as i took a step back with Dream being silent

"Yeah.. I'll do the exact same thing as you but.. I'll be feeling Guilt, Tommy.. Your following MY footsteps, Your making yourself look bad. Your making yourself the villain of the story! Yes, I understand. You have no good endings to live for, But don't you think that's a lie? That green fella, Dream. He could be lying to you"

"He wouldn't lie to me, He's my friend" I said, Talking back

"Friend? Tommy, A friend?! Would you consider somebody a friend who was only there for you because he was watching you in exile, He even takes your armory, Blew up Logstedshire and now your taking him in as a Friend?! Tommy! He's USING You! He's nothing but a smiley face masked man that Manipulates you!"

Dream took a step forward towards us and stood infront of me, Blocking Ghostbur or now Wilbur from me "I ask you to take a step back right now Wilbur, Your only spitting lies and i would never use or manipulate Tommy"

"Never? Never?! Dream. Your Manipulating him right now! Tommy! Please, Just realize what is happening!" Dream grew irritated as he groaned, Pushing Wilbur out of the way and taking my hand "Come on Tommy, Lets go" A portal opened as we walked inside leaving Wilbur or Ghostbur in this now dead timeline

As time passed, I was left in the void standing infront of the reset button. Should i.. Press it?.. It'll reset every timeline i have gotten to, Dream stepped into the room "Tommy.." I glanced towards him

"Don't you dare press that button.." I knew the consequences of pressing it, I'll be removed from every timeline but is somehow still in the memories of the five people i let escape and be safe "But what if i want to press it?.."

"You know the consequences Tommy"

"Dream.. I want you to give me the honest truth.. Are you really my friend? Or are you just somebody who's using me?"

Dream seemed to stay silent after that question "A Good enough answer for me.. Alright.." I said, I know Dream has more confidence whenever he knows he's telling the truth but he will stay silent to think of an excuse whenever he's lying

I took a step forward towards the button and press it, Dream was late to shoot his arrow at me to stop me from pressing it "TOMMY!" He shouted

Everything turned.. White..

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