Part 8 - Nicer?

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(Future) Tommy sat beneath a tree with Ghostbur flying towards him

"Tommy! Tommy! I have some news!" Ghostbur smiled cheerfully as Tommy looked at him

"Is it good news?" Ghostbur smiled as he nodded

"Oh, Did somebody got injured, died or a new war is starting?"

Ghostbur's smile fades as he looked at Tommy terrified of what he says is 'Good News'

Tommy laughed "Geez, I was just joking!" Ghostbur didn't exactly like the joke but smiled nonetheless as he forced out a fake laugh

"Anyways, What's the good news?"

"Well uh.. Fundy can see me!" Ghostbur smiled brightly

"Oh? Have you told him about you being Future Ghost Wilbur?"

Ghostbur shook his head

"I had lied and made up an excuse because i don't want him to feel sad about the fact that his Dad is dead in the future.." Ghostbur's smile dropped as his face got clouded with sadness

"I mean, Alright? Sorry for questioning that by the way.." Tommy apologises as Ghostbur put on a small smile

"No worries! Its fine!" Tommy nods "By the way.. Have you seen Sapnap run across the woods about to burst into tears? I feel bad.. Do you have any idea of what happened?"

Tommy stayed silent as he couldn't help but laugh, Ghostbur looked at him confused

It was obviously not funny that somebody was going to cry so.. Like.. What's Tommy laughing about?

"Oh sorry, I didn't mean to laugh at that.. Its just that.. Sapnap? The guy who we always thought was confident, running through the woods about to burst into tears? Pfft- Sorry Wilbur but he kinda sounds like a cry baby"

Ghostbur stayed silent, He wasn't sure what to say

"That.. Sounds pretty rude.. I mean! Im not saying your rude and all but.. I don't like hearing people call others a cry baby.. or just mean words in general.."

"Sorry, I just thought it was funny" Tommy apologises before smiling

Something felt.. Off..

Last Ghostbur remembers is that, Tommy doesn't apologize often and him apologizing for making jokes was pretty confusing

Ghostbur had thought that Tommy was maybe becoming more nicer and it was bringing a smile to his face

Tommy had already fallen asleep when Ghostbur was in his train of thoughs

Ghostbur flied towards Tommy's house to get a blanket and a pillow

He came back placing the pillow on Tommy's head to rest on as he laid the blanket on Tommy so that he can't get cold

Ghostbur smiled before sitting down, resting his head on the tree and taking a nap

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