Part 6 - Coma?

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(Past) Tommy's POV
"Why did Sapnap even do this? Nobody did anything to him.." I could hear a girl voice say

I could recognize it as Alyssa's, My fingers moved for a second like it flinched or something?

"Tommy? Tommy! Are you awake?" I could hear the voice of Eret ask

I couldn't open my eyes and all i could rely on, was my hearing

"I don't think he's awake.." I could hear Alyssa mumbled in sadness

"Wait.. Hold up.. Tommy? Please move your finger if you can hear me"

I tried so hard to move my finger but i couldn't, I could hear a gasp from both of them which im guessing my finger kinda moved but didn't really?

I could hear some things move and maybe something touch me? I don't know, I can't feel, see or talk and everything was so confusing to me

Why am i lying on a bed? Why is Alyssa and Eret here? Why can i not feel, see or talk and can only rely on my hearing? Im so confused! Last i remember was that i was waiting for Tubbo at the hill and everything went black

That's all i could remember..

"Eret.. Im afraid to say that Tommy might be in a coma right now.." Alyssa's sad voice said

Wait.. What?! Coma?! Hold up! Guys im awake! How can i be in a coma?!

"Coma?.. What?! But.. What do we tell L'manberg?! What do we tell Wilbur or Tubbo?! They will be worried and would blame us!" Eret's worried tone say

"I.. I don't know! Dream-"

"Hey.. So how are the two?" Dream's voice ask.. Wait, Am i in the Dream Team Base or something?

"Dream.. We have bad news.." Alyssa said

Even if i can't feel, I could feel that the tension in the air froze

"Please don't tell me Tommy or George died.."

Big D! Im alive! Come on! Please! Im alive!!

"No no no! Its just that.. Uhm.. Tommy might.." Eret's voice say

"What happened to Tommy?"

"Tommy is in a coma.."

Silence was all that i could hear after that sentence

"What?.. You got to be kidding me?.. What do we tell L'manberg if they found out that Tommy, Wilbur's little brother is in a coma and has a chance of dying?!"

"We.. We have to tell the truth Dream.. It was Sapnap, Not us.. isn't it?" Alyssa said

Wait.. Hold up! Sapnap did this?!

"It was.. But.. Somehow.. We don't have enough evidence to say that Sapnap was the reason Tommy is like this.. We know what Sapnap did to George but in Tommy's case? We don't know who the suspect is.."

Everything was silent

"Both of you.. Stay here and make sure that these two are going to stay alive.. Im going to be discussing things with L'manberg.. Press this button if there is an emergency"

"Alright.." Both of the two said as i could hear the door slam shut

What the hell is happening?..

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