Part 15 - Timelines

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[Future] Tommy's POV
I stood infront of the glowing button infront of me as i looked around to see all different arcs and endings of the Dream Smp

Some of these endings have everybody in a happy ending where people are happy, But i have none.. I have no happy endings except for ruthless endings, Is this seriously what i deserved?

What did i do wrong for me to have no good endings? All these times i try to be kind just to actually have a good ending but there is none, All i deserve is a bad ending..

"Tommy?"I looked to my left to see Dream standing a few foot away from me "Hey Dream.."I greeted as he walked towards me

"Is anything bothering you or something?" I could hear the worry and concern in his voice even if i couldn't see his face

"Dream.. Why don't i have any good endings?.." He paused for a second to think "I don't know" He shrugs "But i do know that you atleast deserve one.."

"Thanks but.. Is this path really going to give me an ending where im happy?" I asked "Of course, This is the path where your allowed to do anything Tommy.. You don't trust me that this is a path that leads you to having your downfall?.."

"No no no, I trust you" He pulls me into a hug "Tommy.. This is the path where you can do anything your heart desires.. You can do anything.. Even kill me if you want.." I pulled away from the hug before shaking my head meaning no

"Im not going to kill you! Your my friend.. Unlike some others.." Dream stared at me for a second, For some reason i could see a smile form beneath his mask..

"I have one question for you Tommy.. What is your plan?" I froze, My next plan was.. well.. Gruesome.. "Well.." as i explained my plan, Dream seemed to not have any problem with it and he was supportive of the plan except that he would be taking some people to the mansion where they will be safe

It was a mansion both of us created just for our loved ones that actually seems to care about us to be safe, If your asking. Tommy, Why is a past timeline apart of this plan? For the fun of it. Me and Dream are in a more different timeline from Ghostbur, Ranboo, Quackity and Dadza, They were in the timeline of where i was about to get exiled while me and Dream are in a timeline after the party i hosted

The Three Timelines are only pulled together to see each endings and im guessing you have another question, Why can't you do them all in your own timeline? I can't, In my timeline. Everybody is.. Well.. Dead or Missing.. How? That's a secret that should never be known.. 

Me and Dream are the only people to be seen in our timeline, We're the only ones to be seen alive. We made a deal, If Dream gives me the power of going through different timelines, the power to reset one and company then I'll give him more power, bloodshed and war to enjoy watching. Its a 50/50, Both of us gets what we want

"Tommy?" I was snapped out of my thoughts by Dream looking at me confused, I hummed. looking back at him "You alright?" I nodded "Alright, Well.. Lets go finish this mess we started.. By the way, There's no going back now Tommy.. We have to follow the path we chose"

"I know, Dream.. I know.." I pressed the past timeline [ The one where Ghostbur is currently at ] as a portal opened "You ready?" "Ready.." Both of us stepped inside as the light engulfed us

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