Part 3 - Kidnapped

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"Im back" Tommy walked over to Wilbur and Tubbo who were chatting with each other til they had notice him

"Hi!"Tubbo greeted with a smile as Wilbur looked at him with a suspicious look on

Tommy waved with an awkward smile as Ghostbur watched

"So me and Tubbo have to go and get some more recourses to make drugs while you, Tommy. go back to L'manberg and wear your uniform" Wilbur commanded as Tommy nodded

"Good, Tubbo. Lets go" Wilbur and Tubbo walked away as Tommy was left alone with Ghostbur

"So do we have to kidnap Past Tommy so you can't get called a Clone?" Ghostbur asked

"Is that even legal in L'manberg?"

"Probably not but lets do it anyways"

Tommy bursted out laughing before both of them walked to L'manberg

Tommy had sneakily went inside without anybody noticing as he put on his L'manberg uniform

He walked back outside as Ghostbur followed, Both of them stood outside of L'manberg walls

"Alright.. So in this point of time im supposed to be at the hill while Tubbo comes before the sun sets"

"Why were you even at the hill?"

"Me and Tubbo sings the L'manberg Anthem"

"Oh, Anyways how do we kidnap Past Tommy?"

"Run in, Hit him and carry him to the Dream Team Base so they can get accused of Kidnapping, Oh and we're going to be making a new secret room in there so that they don't question past me"

"Tommy.. What the hell?"

Tommy shrugs as both of them walked towards the hill to see Past Tommy standing there probably lost in his own thoughts

Tommy sneakily walked over to him as he took out his diamond sword

"Tommy. Please make sure you don't fully kill him.."

Past Tommy snapped out of his train of thoughts hearing the grass crunch behind him

Tommy ran towards him to hit him but before he could Past Tommy blocked it with his sword "Dude! What the hell?!" Tommy tried attacking him but the other blocked it

"Okay look, Who are you and what are you doing here?!" Past Tommy kept blocking or dodging his attacks

Tommy got annoyed that he had slashed him only to realize that he accidentally made a huge big slash on his chest

"Oh my gosh! TOMMY!" Ghostbur yelled

"What the fuck?.." Past Tommy let go of his sword as blood dripped down from his mouth

He fell to the ground as Tommy backed away "Oh my gosh.. Im so so sorry.."

"Dig a hole and hide the sword there, Make sure there is no evidence! I'll hide him at the base! Quick!" Tommy picked his past version of him as Ghostbur dug a hole with his bare hands as he hid the sword there

Tommy ran towards where the Dream Team Base is as he didn't have much time so he had left Past Tommy bleeding out inside of the Base where its noticable

He ran back and saw that Tubbo was already there, Luckily Ghostbur already hid the sword and no blood was spilled onto Tommy's uniform

"Hey Tubbo! Sorry im late!" He ran towards him as he panted for air

"Oh its fine! Are you ready?" Tubbo smiled as Tommy nodded

Both of them went onto position

"Well i heard there was a special place"

"Where men could go and emancipate"

"The Brutality and Tyranny of they're ruler"

"Well this place was real, We needn't fret"

"With Wilbur, Tommy, Tubbo, fuck Eret"

"It a very big and non blown up L'manberg"

"My L'manberg.. My L'manberg.. My L'manberg.. My L'manberg.."

Both of them smiled as Tubbo cheered

"Anyways, I gotta go now Bye Tubbo!" Tommy waved as Tubbo waved back "Bye Tommy!"

Tommy ran back to his house to see Ghostbur sitting there taking a nap

"He's a ghost.. How can he fall asleep?.."

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