Part 5 - GET OUT!

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Alyssa had left George in Tommy's room so she knows that somebody was taking care of Tommy, She saw Eret taking a nap and Sapnap was nowhere in sight

Before she could go check on Dream, A pierced scream rang through the whole base

Dream busted his door open, Eret woke up as Alyssa had froze

All of them recognized the scream as George's as they ran inside the infirmary where George and Tommy was to see

George passed out on the ground with blood gushing out of his head and beside him standing was


He was holding a bloody bat as he had a grin plastered onto his face

"Sapnap.. What the hell?!" Dream shouted as Alyssa ran to George to patch him up while Eret ran to Tommy to make sure he didn't get hurt

"Heh.. Bye Bye!" Sapnap drank an invisible potion as he dissapeared into thin air and left

After George was all patched up, He was laid in a bed near Tommy's as Eret and Alyssa was made sure to watch over them

Sapnap went inside as Dream stopped him "The hell are you doing here?!"

"What?" Sapnap asked, He didn't do anything that made Dream angry so he was obviously confused

"What? WHAT?! Do you not know what YOU just did?!"

"Uh.. No?.."

"YOU hit George with a bat til he bled out! Right now he's in the infirmary thanks to YOU!"

"What?! I didn't do anything! I was outside!"

"Uh-Huh? Yeah sure! WE SAW! We saw what happened! We saw you standing beside George holding a bloody bat!"

"I- What?! That was NOT me!"

"You know what?! Get out! Get out!"

"What?! You can't just kick me!"

"Nope! Sapnap! Get out!" Dream pulled out a sword as Sapnap backed away

"But my items!-"

"You are NOT getting ANY of your items! It will cause harm to people! Now get out"

Sapnap ran away frustated and confused

All he knows that he went outside to calm himself down from being blamed and now he was getting kicked out and was blamed for George getting hurt? It was all so confusing to him

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