Part 12 - Safe

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Quackity's POV
My eyes fluttered open as i see the blinding lights hang from the ceiling of the room i was in, I cover my eyes as i shifted myself facing my left

Only to realize that i didn't know where i was, I immediately sat up as i looked around the room

It was a white room that had a blue rug and bed, there was a closet and other cool room designs, I notice that there were two doors as i sat up walking towards one of the doors that was near the closet

It was a gaming room, There was a table with a computer and other things needed and there was also another door and so i walked inside it revealing a bathroom

Im so confused.. Where am i? Aren't i supposed to be at the election right now? I walked back to the room i had woken up in as i walked towards the door i haven't gotten in yet

I opened the door to see a hallway that looked so beautiful and royal like

I walked down the stairs i had found as i heard two people chatting around the corner

"Uhm.. Hello?" I looked over to see Dream and Tommy talking as they looked at me

"Big Q! Your awake!" Tommy smiled cheerfully as i couldn't really tell Dream's expression since.. You know.. The mask

"Tommy?.. Your awake?!" I couldn't help but feel happy and relief that he was finally awake from his what seemed like a never waking up coma

"Uh no.. Uhm.. Big Q.. Im another Tommy.."

Dream walked away to probably let us talk as i tilt my head in confusion

"Im the Future Version of Tommy.. And so is Dream.. and Probably the other two people you'll see at this mansion"


Tommy sighed probably not wanting to answer questions "Yes.. I was the r-"

"This is a mansion?!"

"That was- That was your one and only question?!"


"What the f- Nevermind!"

He let out a sigh "So.. Are you alright with being here for some bits of time? Future You and Somebody Else is also here"

"Why am i here though?"

"This is the only place protected and we want to protect you guys"


"I swear that'll go into a 'Tommy being Wholesome/Kind compilation'"

"TOMMY!" Dream yelled from another room

"Oh shit- SORRY!"

I burst into laughter as Tommy was laughing, I could also hear the tea kettle king wheeze from the other room

"Alright! Go back to roleplaying- WITHOUT BREAKING THE FOURTH WALL!"I hit Tommy as he nodded still laughing

Both of us calmed down as our faces turned more serious

"You can meet them now if you want, They're in the other room"

The only i could do was nod as i walked towards the room of where these people are

I saw an enderman like guy next to Future Me as im guessing

"Hi?.." I caught they're attention as they looked at my direction

"Oh hi past me!" Future me smiled

"Hi Past Quackity"The Enderman like person smiled

"This is Ranboo if you didn't know"

I waved at Ranboo "Nice to meet you?"

He just waves "Oh and by the way he's a minor"

I looked at Future Me before looking at Ranboo

"He's.. He's taller than me.. He looks like he's 6'6! How is he a minor?!"

"Why does everybody get so surprised about my height?-"

"Because your so fucking tall man!" Future me said

Ranboo shrugged "Oh and by the way we're kinda going to be stuck in this mansion for a while so better get comfy here"

( I didn't have much ideas on what's going to happen in this chapter-)

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