Part 9 - Clone

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George's eyes slowly fluttered open as he tried adjusting to the brightness of the room

He slowly sit up to see Tommy laid in a bed near him and Eret cleaning up some supplies

"E..Eret?.."He stuttered out as Eret froze

Eret looked at George's direction "George! Your awake!" He smiled brightly as George looked at him confused

"What.. What happened?.."

"You.. You don't remember?"

George shook his head meaning 'no'

"Oh.. Right.. Well.. Sapnap had hit you on the head with a bat.."

"He.. What?.."

"He hit you with a bat til you bled out"

George stayed silent, His own best friend hurting him? No.. This got to he a lie..

"Your.. Your joking.. right?.."

"Sadly not.. We saw Sapnap holding a bloody bat infront of you passed out on the ground bleeding out.."

George didn't believe that Sapnap would do such thing, Sapnap is his Best Friend who is trustworthy and would never hurt him!

George sat up from his bed as he ran outside of the room and outside of the Base to the woods followed by Eret running after him and calling out his name

George knew Eret was probably out of sight by now and had probably went back to the base to get some help

"Sapnap!" George shouted "Sapnap!" He shouted again with silence being the only response he was getting

"Marco!" He yelled "Polo!" He could hear Sapnap's voice yell

He sighed before running to the direction he could hear his voice "Marco!" "Polo!" "Marco!" "Polo-"

Both of they're shouting had stopped as they bumped into each other

"Sapnap!" "George!" They pulled each other into a hug as they let go off each other from the 46 second hug

"George! Thank god that your alright! I thought you were going to die!"

"Im fine no worries! But.. I have a question.. Did you?.."

"No, No i did not.. But that doesn't mean Dream, Alyssa and Eret were lying, They saw a clone of me standing infront of your bleeding body.. I came back from the woods after getting calmed down before Dream kicked me out and never even gave me my stuff.. So now im basically gathering resources and living my life here in the woods"

"I know that it doesn't really sound believable and im acting like im playing the sympathy card and all b-"

"I know your not lying"

"What?.." Sapnap looked at George with a shocked expression

"I remember.. Before i could even pass out i don't even think it was you.."

"That guy had a more high pitched tone.. I saw blondish hair.. he was drinking a potion that is probably a hallucination potion so that everybody could see him as you.."

"So.. You forgive me?.."

"Why would i forgive you for a crime you didn't even do?"

"I.. I don't know?.."

George sighed as he pulled Sapnap into a hug which the other returned

(Sorry if there is any misspellings or the writing is just not too good, Its night and im tired so you could tell why this one looks way more lazy than the others anyways.. night and good morning, see you on the next chapter!)

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