Part 4 - Who did it?!

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Dream jumped down from the tree as George followed behind, Both of them were watching Wilbur and Tubbo the whole entire day as they left both Sapnap and the some of the others in the base

Once they went in they noticed a bleeding out Tommy "What the hell?!" Dream flinched as George backed away "Is he dead?!" George shouted in a panicked tone

"Oh my gosh! George get the med kit!" Dream ran towards Tommy as he checked to see if his pulse was still working as George grabbed the med kit

"Hurry! He's going to die from blood loss!" "Alright! Im here!" George threw the kit as Dream catched it before opening it and getting a clean white cloth and held it upon the wound

The white cloth was already soaked in blood "George! Get a healing potion!" George nods as he ran to another room to get the items needed as Dream was trying to stitch the wound up

After a long process of healing, Tommy was laid onto a bed in a guess room as he was patched up

If your wondering as to why they were worried about Tommy dying, Well. The Dream Team and L'manberg had made a deal for pure peace

If they found out that Tommy died and that he was found dead in the Dream Team Base, A new war will arise

Dream walked inside the meeting room to see Sapnap, George, Eret, Alyssa and some of the others

(I do think i forgot so many people- I just keep forgetting-)

"Alright, I made this meeting because ONE of you three had almost KILLED one of L'manberg's residents and left them at our base to ROT! Who did it?!"

Sapnap, Eret and Alyssa looked at each other in confusion "Wait.. What about George?" Eret asked "George was with me the whole entire week, Both of us had been spying on Tubbo and Wilbur the entire time! It couldn't be him nor me so its between three of you! So WHO did it?!"

"We all know that we CAN'T hurt ANY L'manberg residents or a new war will happen! So tell me RIGHT NOW! WHO did it?!" Dream shouted

Everybody in the room was silent

"I was adventuring in the woods.." Alyssa explained

"I was on an animal killing spree" Sapnap explained

"I was with Alyssa"
Eret explained

Dream looked at Sapnap "Sapnap.. What did you think you were doing?!"

"I was just on an animal killing spree! I never went near L'manberg!"

"Uh-Huh? Sure! Like i'll believe that lie!"

"Im not lying!"

"You know what? What about once Tommy wakes up! He can tell us who did it!"

"Alright! But i promise you that i wasn't the one who did it!"

The Meeting was done as George and Alyssa was ordered to make sure Tommy doesn't die, Eret was ordered to not let Sapnap get anywhere near Tommy

And Dream was making up lies of where Tommy would be if L'manberg ask

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