Part 18 - . . .

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Don't watch the Nightcore until you finish reading the chapter


Techno's POV
I spawned beside Wilbur, Tubbo and Philza to a place that looked like L'manberg but it looked more.. Peaceful?.. "Uh.. Techno?.."Philza glanced towards me "Yeah.. WHERE THE HELL ARE WE?!" I pulled out my sword before pulling Philza towards me and blocking him from the other two

Wilbur and Tubbo seemed to be taken back with my action "Techno! Calm down!" Wilbur pulled Tubbo towards him "Tell us where we are first!" Both of them were confused before a certain green masked guy showed up

Philza took out his crossbow and pointed it at Dream "What the heck?!" Dream took steps back as he looked at us confused "Back.Off" Philza threatened "Alright, Alright. Jesus! What is wrong with you two?!" He exclaimed before backing off

"Alright, Explain where we are!" I yelled holding a tight grip onto my sword and still blocking Philza from them

"Your at L'manberg! Why are you guys so suddenly like this?!" Tubbo said as he hid behind Wilbur

"Wait.." Me and Philza glanced at each other, We looked back at them before putting our weapons away as they pu their's away too

Me and Philza didn't knew much about the Reset Button Dream and Tommy has control over so everything was confusing to us, Did Dream or Tommy reset? Cause whoever reseted that will be.. wait.. Deleted.. and the other will have no memory of the timeline that things ever happened.. Dream's here with no memories of it.. So that means..

"Do you guys remember anybody named Tommy? Or Tommyinnit?.." Philza asked as they looked at us confused "No, Never heard of him" Wilbur answered as Tubbo nodded, We looked over at Dream who shrugged "I.. Kinda don't know.. The name Tommy is familiar but, I never met or seen anyone named with it" He answers

"What do you remember of him?" I asked "Uh.. Well.. I don't know? The name or title Tommyinnit is familiar, While hearing that name.. It somehow.. Makes me think of a boy with blonde hair and blue eyes?.. Almost as if i met him before but i never have.." Dream answers

Ranboo teleports to us in a panic "What Happened?! Where's Tommy?!"

"Ranboo, Tommy's Gone.." Philza answers with a sad tone laced in his voice as the other three stared at us confused

"What?.." Ranboo's voice cracked

"Tommy pressed the reset button, Dream doesn't remember anything of him. Nobody has memories of Tommy except for us and probably Big Q" I explained

Now we just have to accept that he's.. Gone.. We can't get him back..

Nobody's POV

"Don't worry.. I'll continue your plan.. You'll see L'manberg once fall into they're doom.."

"We're counting on you.."

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