Part 16 - List

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[ The picture you see at the top is actually Tommy's Genderbend but in winter clothing- also ' This Font ' Is a memory font while ' This ' Is storyline font ]

Dream's POV
Tommy's Plan is to cause genocidal murder across this whole nation, Its funny how Tommy is just willing to kill everybody for his own self. Tubbo was for once right, Tommy is selfish.. But not in a way of where he truly cares about himself, In a way where he's just in between Selfish and Selfless from how he still wants his happy ending yet still wants to protect his friends from another timeline

'Dream, Why did you target Tommy? Why is Tommy the one you manipulate when clearly, He doesn't benefit you at all' That's where your wrong, There is a reason and Tommy does benefit me with chaos

Tommy is the only person i cannot control, He also is the most 'interesting' one of all the others. I gotta admit, The Child is good at acting.. I still remember that moment of how everybody died, The blood was not spilled on my hands though.. The blood was spilled on Tommy.. Tommy caused the murders except for.. Quackity, Ranboo, Philza and Techno.. Somehow he didn't want them to die, They're safe in another place of who knows where

"This.. This is the day i have never wanted to become a reality.. Tommy's Funeral.. My Brother's.. Or.. My Best Friend's Funeral.. He died due to the cause of Suicide.. I found Logstedshire blown up.. With only a long and huge blocks building up through the clouds.. It was his Death Spot.. Of where he jumped off.." Tubbo sheds a tear as he looked down

Fundy rushed towards his side, pulling him into a hug "Come on.." Fundy leads him back towards his seat as Tubbo bursted into tears once he was seated, Philza was sitting at the top of the memorial picture board looking down sadly as Ghostbur hugged him with him having a hard time finding out what is happening yet he knows something bad happened, He just doesn't know that his younger brother is dead..

Techno who wasn't even supposed to be at L'manberg was invited to join the funeral and was unexiled for the time being, He leaned at one of the buildings a few feet away from the funeral area. His eyes were dull and tears were already threatening to fall "I.. I was right.. History is repeating itself.." He whispered to himself "Am i supposed to be happy that im correct?.. No.. Im not.. Death is not supposed to be a happy subject.. Especially when its about a love one.. Like somebody who is a brother to you.." Techno again, whispers to himself

Quackity was losing his mind by trying to find ways to find Tommy's Dead Body to try reviving him, He couldn't handle him being dead. He never got to pay Tommy back with his kindness of always being there with him after the cruel break up between him and Jschlatt, Tommy said that Quackity being there with him and giving him company was the only thing he needed but i guess he was lying..

Ranboo kept teleporting to the flower field and taking flowers while giving it to others who definitely needed it, He was crying inside and he knew that. Ranboo doesn't know Tommy for long periods of time but that doesn't mean he wasn't affected, Tommy was already like a brother to him who truthfully cares about him. Tommy did things for him he didn't even ask for him to do, Like. Taking all the blame for a crime both of them did, Stopping himself from screaming at Ranboo about not coming to the party unlike how he did to the others and also stopping Ran from fully taking control. Ranboo never got the chance to pay Tommy back the kindness since Tommy pushed people away and now Tommy's dead.. There is no way of giving Tommy the kindness he deserves

By now, Ranboo was sitting at the Flower Field with tears falling down. The Flower Field was far away from L'manberg so nobody could be there with him

"Ranboo?.." A low yet a soft voice says, Ranboo looked infront of him to see Tommy sitting down infront of him "Hey.. Don't worry, Im alive.." He smiled as Ranboo looked at him with a shocked expression before pulling him a big hug with more tears flowing "Your.. Your alive..?" Tommy hugged back before nodding

"Of course.." Tommy was careful with his tone of voice, He didn't show any stubbornness, rudeness or sarcasm. He was showing a soft yet comforting tone that was rare to see coming from Tommy himself, He wasn't even acting. He was very genuine with this, He was making sure Ranboo was alright. He was making sure that his brother was alright

Once Ranboo's crying had shushed down, Ranboo pulled away from the hug as he wiped some remaining tears "Hey.. Im not really supposed to be here for long but.. I want you to get the certain people in this list and bring them here.. Im sorry for the other people by the way.. I don't hate them but.. I just.. Don't like them.." That was a big fat lie, Tommy genuinely cares for everybody especially Tubbo and Wilbur who was sadly not in the list. Dream had told Tommy to take atleast 4 people to take to safety and should not be assasinated, Sadly. Tubbo was not an option knowing how he was the main target, The president of L'manberg is supposed to be first and should never be given mercy when it comes to assasination

"Say.. Say bye to them alright?.. Tell them i love the rest.. Tell them i care about them.. Especially Tubbo and Wilby.. Tell them.. Bye too.. Whoever is in the list.. I.. Just want to say is that, Don't even come back near L'manberg.. Logstedshire.. Techno's base.. Or any other areas.. Like.. Nothing anywhere near this nation" They can't exactly go back to L'manberg or anywhere near, Tommy and Dream will reset the whole place but the memories and the people on the list will stay the same, They will all live in peace without.. the wars and the nations..

"Wait.. We're all leaving?.." Tommy nodded, By now. He was holding back tears "Why?.." Tommy shook his head "Everything you need to know is in the book and quill.." Ranboo was confused yet still nodded, He teleported at the Funeral and walked to the first person in the list, Techno

"What?" Techno's gaze turned towards him with wide eyes "Teleport me to it.. Now.."He demanded

Ranboo decided to get the easiest way out of this and walked towards the mic as everybody's gaze turned towards him "Techno.. Quackity.. and Philza.. Can you all please come with me?.." Everybody looked at him confused except Techno who rushed towards him immediately as Quackity and Philza walked towards them

Ranboo teleported them at the field where Tommy was "TOMMY!" Quackity shouted before tackling Tommy into a hug scaring him in the process, Techno and Philza were frozen in shock

"Your alive?!" Philza shouted before running towards Tommy and hugging him, Hugging Quackity in the process since he did tackle hug Tommy and was still not letting go. Techno didn't say anything instead just ran towards them and joined into the group hug 'OoOo~ Group Hug! JOIN IN!' Boo shouted in Ranboo's mind as Ran sighed in dissapointment

Ranboo followed his suggestion as he joined in the group hug

I think you already know what happens next.. Bloodshed of course..

[ I didn't really read back to check if it was alright so just don't point out the grammar/spelling mistakes, I'll read it sooner or later to check and i'll probably edit it. Right now im being way too lazy ]

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