Part 14 - Voices

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"DADZA?!" Wilbur shouted at the top of his lungs hoping for a response back but there was nothing except for Tubbo and Techno's yelling for Philza

"DADZA?!" A new voice rang through the woods as three of them spun around to look at the new comer

It was Tommy, He coughed right after he shouted as he panted for air

"TOMMY!" Tubbo ran towards him pulling him into a hug

"Im very happy that Tommy's finally awake but.. The Voices [Chat] Tells me that Philza is kinda.. safe?.. But kidnapped.. or captured since ya know, He isn't really a kid" Techno broke the supposed to be wholesome moment

"Does the voices tell you who captured Dad?!" Tommy lightly pushed Tubbo away before looking back at him and mumbling 'Sorry if the push was way too hard' and going back to looking at Techno

"No, Not really" Techno shrugs as he listened to the voices chaotic chatting

"What are the voices telling you then?" Wilbur asked

"Hm.. Right now they seem to want blood to flow"

"Your ch- voices really need to chill.." Tubbo said

"Oh, now they're just bullying me"


"Now they're just saying 'Subscribe to Technoblade' "

Tommy sealed his mouth shut trying to stop himself from laughing as Tubbo snickered while Wilbur was staying serious with bursting into laughter inside

Ghostbur was laughing and was pretty lucky that he decided to make himself invisible and mute to others

"Okay.. So Dadza is captured?" Wilbur stopped the others who were about to burst into laughter

"Yeah he is but the voices says that Dadza is safe wait.. Oh shit- No he's not safe, He's with two Quackity's!"

"Oh poor Dad.."Tubbo mumbled

"Rest in Peace Dadza- Anyways.. What's our plan except for us just playing around?" Wilbur asked

"We can go back-"Tommy was cut off with loud shouting

"TOMMY/PHILZA!" They could hear Fundy, Eret and Dream yell all at the same time

Fundy, Dream and Eret appeared out of the dark woods

"Hi! You must be the next victims to give blood to the blood gods?" Technoblade says as he pulls out his sword

"Techno, No" Tommy stops him

"Where is Grandza?! Have you guys seen him yet?!"Fundy asked

"Grandza- What?-" Tommy asked confused

"New nickname i made for him, Shush now where is Grandza?!"

"You know maybe screaming Grandza and Grandphil over and over again maybe Dadza will come to us, So keep screaming it he will infact come" Techno backed away unless Philza does come, him knowing that Philza doesn't like being called any of those nicknames so there is a chance he might fly towards them and slay Fundy to death

"Lets actually not scream that.."Eret pulled Fundy to his side making sure that he wasn't going to get hurt

"Can we PLEASE just make a plan?!"Dream shouted

"With all of us playing around, I don't think we can even make a plan" Wilbur pointed out

"Its not my fault that the Voices are telling me to make war happen or wanting me to get blood to flow" Techno reasoned out

"Lets just go back and then we'll make a plan WITHOUT playing around like kids" Dream groaned in annoyance as all of them walked back to the Dream Team Base where everybody had to go since L'manberg had been blown up

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