Part 2 - In The Past

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"Ugh... What the hell?.." Tommy groaned at the large headache he was having as his eyes fluttered open

He was expecting to see the ceiling of his house except, He was seeing the sun as he felt the edge of the grasses sharpness

"Wha- What the?!" He immediately sat up as he looked around in confusion

His eyes widen in shock realizing that he was in the middle of a forest

"How the hell did i get here?!" He stood up as he panicked realizing that he didn't know how to get out of the forest

he also noticed a diamond axe laid onto the grass

He crouched down as he picked it up examining it

His thoughts were cut off by hearing rustling on the bushes, He panicked before putting himself in a defensive position

Two boys came out of the bushes as Tommy's eyes widened more in shock

They had the L'manberg uniform and they looked like Wilbur and Tubbo

"Uhm.. Hi?.. I didn't expect Dream to invite another person here.." Wilbur said as he examined Tommy

"You look alot like Tommy in his original clothing! That's actually pretty interesting! What's your name?" Tubbo was in a pretty great mood

"U-Uhm.. My names Tommy?.. Tommyinnit.." Tubbo and Wilbur looked at him in confusion

"Tommy?.. Wait.. Why aren't you wearing the L'manberg Uniform?!" Wilbur asked

"Wha-" Tommy cut himself off as he noticed that he was no where near in the present time, He was in the past

• • •

Ghostbur was sitting beneath a tree as he woke up

"What happened?.." He groaned as he stood up

He noticed the diamond sword beside him as he picked it up but before he could examine it

The bushes rustled as he put himself in a defensive position

Tommy came out of the bushes as Ghostbur dropped his diamond sword realizing it was just him as he ran towards him "TOMMY!"

Tommy flinched as he looked over at
Ghostbur's direction only be engulf in a big hug

"Tommy?" A voice asked, Ghostbur and Tommy looked at the other direction to see Tubbo and Wilbur looking at them confused

"Hi?.."Tommy greeted as Wilbur let go of the hug "Tommy.. Who are they?.. Why do they look like me and Tubbo?.."

"I.. I don't know! Somehow.. We're in the past or something?.."

The other two looked at Tommy confused "Who are you talking to?.."Tubbo asked

"Wait.. They can't see me?!" Ghostbur asked in a panic

"You can't see him?!" Wilbur and Tubbo glanced at each other as they looked back at Tommy "We don't see anybody.. Its just me, Tubbo and you" Wilbur explained

"What the fuck?.."Tommy mumbled to himself "Tell them you gotta talk to somebody, Just go and walk to another area" Ghostbur said as Tommy nodded

"I uh.. Gotta go for a second!" Tommy ran to another area of the forest with Ghostbur following as they left both Tubbo and Wilbur confused

"Okay.. So clearly we're in the past!"

"I do think i've already guessed that but How?!"

"I don't know!"

"Why can't they see me though?.."

"Well uh.. Maybe.. Because your a ghost?"

"But my actual question is.. What do we do? Do we have to roleplay?  Clearly, We're at the very start of L'manberg history and we can't just mess with the timeline!"

"We have to roleplay i guess.."

Both of them looked at each other not even knowing what to do anymore

Back in the past of where it all started is hard.. Every single heartbreaking detail they add in to the historywas heartbreaking to see

Both of them walked back to where they left Tubbo and Wilbur as they made they're decision to roleplay til they find a way back home

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