Part 10 - Found out

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Eret ran inside of the base "DREAM! ALYSSA!" He yelled as Alyssa and Dream walked towards him confused "What?"

"George just woke up, I told him about the news but he immediately ran outside of the base probably looking for Sapnap!" Both of them froze

"Alyssa and Eret, Stay inside! Eret, Please tell Wilbur that the meeting is cancelled and Alyssa, Please stay with Tommy! I'll have to go and look for George" Dream ran towards the direction of the woods "Be careful!" Alyssa yelled as Both of them walked inside

"GEORGE?!" Dream shouted

"TOMMY?!" Dream could hear a voice like.. Philza?.. Shout

"GEORGE?!" Dream shouted again

"TOMMY?!" Philza had shouted again

Dream wanted to know why Philza was here as he ran towards the direction of his voice to see Philza and Techno together looking around

"Philza? Techno? What are you two doing here?" Both of them looked at Dream's direction

"We're looking for Tommy, Just last week he was reported missing.." Techno explained "Oh.."

"Yeah.. By the way, Why were you screaming George's name?"

"Well.. You see.. Uh.. George is missing too.. Eret had reported that he somehow ran away after he just got healed"

Both Techno and Philza looked at each other before looking back at Dream

"Do you wanna make a search party?"

Dream's POV
Once Philza had asked that question, I couldn't help but feel bad for not telling them that we knew where Tommy was..

Should i?..

"Uhm.. Uh.. I might know where Tommy is actually.."

Both of they're eyes widened as glimpse of hope and happiness shown in them

"But.. When we found him, He wasn't.. In the greatest situation.."

The hope and happiness were replaced with worry and panic

"What happened to Tommy?!" Philza asked with a raised tone as he panicked

"Follow me.." Both of them followed me to the Dream Team Base

"Why are we at your base?" Techno ask

"He's in there.." I pointed at the infirmary as both Techno and Philza rushed inside

Philza's POV
I rushed inside to see.. Tommy lying down on the bed looking so delicate that he can die if you just touch him wrongly

"D..Dream?.. What happened to Tommy?!" I rushed towards Tommy as Techno followed

"We found him bleeding to death.. We don't know who the suspect is and.. Sadly.. i have very bad news.."

The room stayed silent as both me and Techno looked at Dream

"Don't tell me that he fucking died.." Techno said

"No no no! Its just that.. He'll be in a coma for who knows long and he has a 50% chance of being alive and a 50% chance of dying.. Its a 50/50"

Me and Techno stayed silent

"Dream.. Can we invite Wilbur and Tubbo here? They need to know what had happened to him.."

Dream nodded "I'll be in my room if you need me though" I nodded as he walked away

I opened my phone as i called Wilbur


"Dadza! Have you two found Tommy yet?!"

I looked at Techno who was staring at Tommy

"Yes.. Yes we had found him.. Please come to the Dream Team Base at the infirmary.."

Wilbur's POV
I hung up as a smile formed onto my face, The others had noticed

"What happened? Did they find Tommy?!" Tubbo asked as i nodded

"Tubbo come on! They're at the Dream Team Base!" Tubbo followed me as both of us ran to the direction of the base

Both of us ran inside the infirmary only to see Philza leaning onto the wall, Techno sitting at a chair as Tommy was lying on a bed

"What.. What happened?!" Tubbo ran towards Tommy as i was frozen in place

"He's in a coma.." Techno says as he was staring at Tommy's dead like body like he was paralyzed

"He's.. In a coma?.. How?! What the hell happened?!"

"Dream had found him bleeding to death so they took him in to heal him up" Philza explained

"Is.. Is he going to be alright?!"Tubbo shouted

"There's a 50% chance of him dying but there is a 50% chance of him living so so far its a 50/50" Techno sounded calm but i could hear the anger and worry in his voice

Four of us stayed in the infirmary but unfortunately me and Tubbo had L'manberg to look after so we had to go back to them, Techno and Philza had said that they were going to stay with Tommy so that he can have company


The fact that im getting annoyed that i did Tommy's arc wrong when i had made this before he even got exiled and showed more of how his arc shows that i get annoyed when the characters have the wrong arc-

Sorry for the crappy writing by the way, I promise my writing will get better- I shouldn't promise myself that cause i know im going to break it-

Anyways, Bye and have a good day/night!

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