Part 11 - What is happening?..

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Ghostbur's POV
Where is Tommy? Its been atleast a month or more and i still haven't found him, It was confirmed that past Tommy is in a coma and fortunately, He was going to wake up maybe a few days from now and if lucky enough, He might wake up today

It was the very first election and i was always near Fundy, He was the only one that can see me and he didn't snitch that he can see me. I did find a way to possess certain objects and i could probably possess Past me a.k.a Wilbur

Techno and Philza also were here still because of Tommy but they wanted to check what happens in the election too

George and Sapnap were now apart of L'manberg, Sapnap getting a few glares from Dream, Alyssa and Eret while George was given worried glances

I snapped out of my thoughts and i could hear was the sentence "Schlatt is now the official president of L'manberg!"

Everybody clapped for Schlatt except for Techno and Wilbur

Schlatt was about to make a speech before an arrow was shot through the sky turning it into confetti's, Everybody looked towards the direction of where the arrow came from

Tommy was standing at the edge of the cliff, holding a bow with a bag of arrows behind him, He was also holding a sword, He had a mischievous grin plastered onto his face

"TOMMY?!" Techno, Philza, Tubbo, Wilbur and I shouted

He laughed "Wrong Tommy Bud" He put his bow behind him as he took a step forward towards us

Everybody was rather frozen in shock

I ran towards Wilbur as i could feel the now cold and tensed air meaning that i was possessing him

"What the fuck?! Who are you?!" Wilbur shouted at me, Nobody could hear him except me

"Im future you, Now please let me take control!"

I looked at Tommy as he noticed and look at me "Tommy.. What are you doing?!"

"What im doing? Im changing the story! Im changing the ending Wilbur!"

Everybody was now staring at us

"Changing the ending?! We don't even know our true ending yet! And what do you even mean?!"

"Wilbur. Tell me, Who do you think was the person that sent us here?! Who do you think had the power to do such thing?!"


"Yes! Dream! Dream sent us both here, Why?! Because i wanted him to! Both of us had a deal, If he gives me the happy ending i want then i'll give him the complete chaos, bloodshed and war he pleases!"

Tommy's attention snapped at Sapnap and George as they tensed up

"Both of you. Tell me! Who do you think was that clone?!"

Both of them had seemed to stay silent

"I don't know?.." Sapnap said in a more questioning tone

"Dream, That was Dream disguised as Sapnap"

Everybody didn't even know what to say anymore and so do i, I was loss of words

"Tommy.. Why?.."

His attention snapped to me

"Why?.. Why?! WHY?!"

Fundy's ears flattened as he lowered his tail showing how the yelling was way too loud for him, I rushed towards his side as i covered his ears before doing something that i probably didn't expect i will do

I gave Tommy a cold harsh glare showing how annoyed i was towards him

"Wilbur.. I was exiled.. I always pushed away, sacrafice or put them first. My Discs, Everything important to me, My mental health and My physical health just for L'manberg! For Tubbo! For Wilbur! For everybody i ever loved!"

"But when i FINALLY put myself first, I get called SELFISH! Ranboo, Dream and Quackity were the ONLY people there for me! To defend me! To protect me! But what about you and Tubbo?! My Brother and My Best Friend?! and Even my so called Friends!"

"And how would you even feel knowing that your the ONLY person who always has a bad, ruthless ending! No matter the path i choose! I get to be said that the bad ending is what i deserve!"

Everybody was pure frozen and shock, Everybody was speechless

"So Wilbur. If i CAN'T have a Happy Ending.."

Tommy pulled out a TNT as he placed it down at the grass, Everybody immediately took a few steps away

"NOBODY Can!" Tommy lit it as he ran away

The grass beneath us and the TNT blew up, I tackled Fundy down as i hugged him protecting him from the explosion and arrows that were flying as Eret was making sure that there were no arrows shot towards us

Dream was holding a shield protecting George from the arrows

Techno, Sapnap and Schlatt was trying to catch up with Tommy

Niki, Tubbo and Alyssa had to run away to the base where Past Tommy was and probably hide there

Quackity was.. wait.. Where is he?!

The explosion had stopped showing the chairs and the stage were broken into bits

Everybody was still scared to put down they're shields afraid that Tommy would run at them

What the hell is happening?..

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