Part 1 - Earthquake?!

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"If i have to go tommorow, Will you still look after me? Even if im alone?"

Tommy ask still focusing on breaking the blocks

"U-Uhm.. Yeah! I- I mean, I don't really know why that would change"

Ghostbur or The Ghost version of Wilbur stuttered out

"Well because i would be exiled and alone, Wilbur. and i won't have anyone and i have to do all my bits to myself and i won't be able to swear at BadBoyHalo anymore"

Tommy explained as Ghostbur was about to open his mouth to speak before the everything had started to shake

"Woah! What the?!" Tommy looked up at the sky and the ground to make sure that there were no rain or the floor wasn't going to crack

"Is there an earthquake?!" Ghostbur looked around in a huge panic

Black void like walls surrounded both of them as they're panic and worry had increased by a thousand



Both of them were panicking so much as they tried breaking the black walls many times to check if the other is okay

Tommy was panicking too much only for his vision to turn black as he passed out

Ghost was about to stand up only for everything to turn black as he passed out




(Yes, I change it. Why? Because i finally knew how this story will go and the first bit wasn't apart of it-)

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