Incorrect Quotes

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What? The story is going to end with one last chapter and since i still hasn't finish it- here- have some incorrect quotes, Btw I don't ship Tommy and Ranboo or Tommy and Tubbo. Its just a best relationship-


Quackity - There is one rule in this world and its.. KILL OR BE KILLED

Tommy - Can i be killed then?

Quackity -  . . .

Quackity - Tommy, Please. I beg you, JUST ONE GODDAMN DAY-


Tommy - I only know Ranboo for a few months but if anybody hurts him, I will kill everybody in the Dream Smp and then Myself

Philza - Don't you think that's a bit too extreme?..

Ranboo - Hi Guys! I brought everybody flowers today!

Philza - ...

Techno - Im on Tommy's side here


Dream - On the Seventh Day of Christmas the Dream Smp gave to me

Schlatt - A Heart Attack that caused my death

Wilbur - A Blown up L'manberg

Techno - Two Wither Monsters

Quackity - Eating a Old Man's Heart

Skeppy - A Red Egg that caused a corruption

Tommy - Three Suicidal Attempts

Dream - And a Whole Month of Manipulating~


Tommy - ALL OF US ARE GOING TO HELL- Except you Ranboo, We're all happy your here and your an amazing angel

Ranboo - *Pulls Tommy into a hug as he smiles*

Everybody - . . .

Quackity and Tubbo - WHAT ABOUT US?!


Tommy - Hey Techno! Have you been out today? Its a bit.. Muggy

Ghostbur - *Holding back a laugh*

Techno - I swear.. If i see all the mugs outside, I will trap both you and Ghostbur inside a bedrock room

Philza - *Sipping coffee from a bowl*


Tommy - I'd rather be slayed by Dream and get called Worthless, Selfish and Useless by Tubbo and other people i seem to care about than live without Ranboo for a whole week

Everybody - . . .

Ghostbur - Brother, Are you okay?..

Tommy - Ranboo's not here so no


Nightmare - Seriously?! Where do my hoodies keep going?! Everytime i buy a new one and wear it, The next day. It will dissapear! WHAT THE FUCK?!

GoodBoyHalo, Wearing Nightmare's Hoodie - I don't know, Maybe a thief took it?



GoodBoyHalo - People keep asking, What's your type?

GoodBoyHalo - Well my type is somebody who's the worst yet the best and that means, I don't wanna anybody since you can't find somebody who's like that!

Nightmare - . . .

Nightmare - Im just going to go cry in a corner-


Quackity - *Standing on a chair*

Tommy - Big Q? Are you playing a game or something?

Quackity - Yeah its called, I don't know where the spider went!

Tommy - *Immediately gets teleported out by Ranboo*

Quackity - HEY! WHAT ABOUT ME- Oh my god there's the spider- GUYS! HELPPP-


Nightmare, NapSap, Georgeisfound, GoodBoyHalo and Jef are at a pet store

Nightmare - I don't understand why we're even here

Georgeisfound - Because NapSap says that Pets are everything and will make us more happ- Oh my gosh a cat! aww

Jef who's petting a Dog - I like this Dog!

Nightmare, Pulling Good into a hug - Then i want this one

GoodBoyHalo, Flustered - Shut the fuck up-

Everybody - . . .

NapSap - Smooth-


Dream, Carrying George - Guys! I found George!

Sapnap - Guess his name is now.. George is Found! Hah!

George - I don't understand why im friends with both of you..


Eret - So how do you guys bring Techno to a place he doesn't wanna be at?

Wilbur - Oh we just drag him

Techno - Please let me go back, I just wanna sleep peacefully-


Tommy - Seriously Techno, You have to be more nice!

Also Tommy - Fuck Off


* Its January 25th *

Tommy - I hate you

Tubbo - What?..

Tubbo - . . .

Tubbo - Wait- You meant- Awww! I hate you too!

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