Part 7 - You can see me?

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(A Confused Fundy Art for you-)

Ghostbur was flying around L'manberg looking for Tommy, He didn't know where he was and he was kinda worried what could've happened to him

"Hello?" Ghostbur froze hearing Fundy's voice, He looked around expecting to see Fundy and somebody talking but he was wrong

Fundy was looking at him with his head tilted "Um.. H-Hi! Are you talking to me?.."

Fundy nodded "Yeah i am! What's your name?" Fundy ran towards him as he stood infront of Ghostbur

"Oh! Im uh.. Ghostbur! I don't really know my real name but i just decided to call myself that" He was obviously lying since he didn't want to make Fundy feel bad knowing that his Dad is going to die in the future

"My names Fundy! What are you? Sorry if that was a rude question" Fundy walked in a circle as he examined him

"Im a ghost" "Really?! That's so cool!" Ghostbur couldn't help but smile at the sight of seeing Fundy being genuinely happy and enthusiastic

"By the way.. How did you get here? and Why are you here? Aren't you supposed to be in the Afterlife or do you have to fulfill something so you can live there in peace or is there another reason as to why your here?"

"I don't really know?.."

"Oh alright!" He smiled as he nodded "Well.. I gotta go now bye Mr.Ghostbur! I'll come here when i have the time to!" Fundy waved to Ghostbur as he walked away

Ghostbur smiled

Wilbur's POV
I was going to visit Fundy only to see Fundy standing still

"Yeah i am! What's your name?" He rushes towards somewhere and stood infront of nobody

Who is he talking to?

I could see his eyes sparkle in interest

"My names Fundy! What are you? Sorry if that was a rude question" Fundy apologize as he walked in a circle somehow examining something

"Really?! That's so cool!"

Okay, What is happening with my son?! Is he possessed?! Is he okay?! Who is he talking to?!

"By the way.. How did you get here? and Why are you here? Aren't you supposed to be in the Afterlife or do you have to fulfill something so you can live there in peace or is there another reason as to why your here?"

WHO is he talking to?!

"Oh alright!" He smiled as he nodded "Well.. I gotta go now bye Mr.Ghostbur! I'll come here when i have the time to!" Fundy waved to thin air as he walked away

WHO is Ghostbur?!

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