united once more - pt 2

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Violet's P.O.V (same moment as part 1)

Sheesh. The audacity of my little sister. I had mere moments before I heard footsteps and was faced with Quigley Quagmire himself.

"Hi, can I help- OH MY GOSH BAUDELAIRES??" Quigley yelled.

"What?" Duncan came up behind him. I froze. Time had been kind to Duncan Quagmire, sheesh. I didn't think he could get any more gorgeous but I was wrong. Boy, I was wrong.


"uh HI DUNCAN." I didn't know what to say so I set Bea down looking confused and proceeded to *yeet* myself at him. I was insanely nervous to see him after over a year, (because I clearly had the hugest crush on him) but once I was hugging him, everything was fine.

I hugged him tight. And I mean really tightly. I could ha e squeezed the air out of him but he didn't seem to mind.

"I can't believe you're alive." I

Duncan's P.O.V

"I can't believe you're alive." I said at the same time as her. Gosh, she was even cuter than I remembered. But she wasn't just cute anymore. No, she was starting to look seriously beautiful. Scratch that. She was seriously beautiful. And I was struggling to breathe.

"I suppose I should let you breathe."She whispered.

I might be able to breathe better if you stopped looking like a fallen angel but that's not gonna happen.

"No, that's not why I-" Don't say that Duncan.
She was still hugging me. With her hands around my neck and I started to internally freak out. She noticed this too and we both turned red. I let go but was still standing close to her and couldn't stop looking in her eyes. Isadora yelling brought me back to reality as she smothered Klaus in a hug. I realised I was still holding Violet's waist and I stuttered an apology and let go.

"It's fine." She smiled and laughed awkwardly.

We looked over at Isadora still hugging Klaus.

"Iz..." Quigley chuckled "Let the man breathe..."

* * *

*Isadora gave them a tour of the guest room*

Violet's P.O.V

"It's so nice Isadora!" I said grinning at her.

"You're more than welcome to stay."

"Really?" I could tell Klaus was excited. I was too! but nervous. Living with my crush? I'd be a stammering mess half the time... But they're all my friends so that makes it better.

We walked back into the living room where the boys had stopped bickering and were now watching Friends. Sunny and Bea had run in to see what all the commotion was about and were now glued to the screen with them







"They've been obsessed with that show for weeks!-"

"SHUT UP ISADORA!" They yelled at her, not taking their eyes off the screen. She held her hands up in surrender and led us to the kitchen.

"It's really okay if we stay with you guys for a while?" Klaus asked nervously.

"Yeah for sure! It'll be so great having you here!" She grinned at him.

* * *

*flash forward and the Baudelaires are in the guest room heading to bed*

Narrators P.O.V

The Baudelaires were very excited to be staying with their friends. But the two eldest were especially jittery with nerves and excitement. Neither of them could sleep. So Klaus whisper-shouted across the room:



"You awake?"

"No I'm answering your questions in my sleep-YES I'M AWAKE!" Violet was a good whisper-shouter.

"Jee, okay, sOrRy!"

"Sorry, I'm just nervous I guess. We've been gone for a year and suddenly we get to stay with our-"


"HAH! You admit you like her!"

"I admitted it ages ago!"

"I know, but it's nice to tease you."

"Uggh. At least you can talk to Isadora for advice, Quigley and Duncan would murder me if they knew I liked her-"

"That I'd like to see-"

"It's not funny!" But Violet was laughing anyway. Soon they both were, before realising they should probably be quiet.

"Night then."



this is kinda sucky and short but oh well. i have some things planned out but this was not one of them.

i couldn't be bothered proof reading it too much so apologies if it really sucks.

hopefully you liked it!

see you next week!


746 words

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