couplets and confessions

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Klaus' P.O.V

I was sitting in my room this morning when Izzie knocked. I hadn't really talked to her since yesterday and boy, was I terrified.



"Uhm, I came to tell you something,"

"Sure!" Oh no. This sounded bad.

"It's nothing bad!!" She said quickly. "I just- You know yesterday, Duncan asked about my most recent couplet?" He laughed.

"Yeah, and you read that one about leeks."

"Heh yeah, well that wasn't the most recent one. Th-the most recent one was one I wrote...about you." He blinked.

"Really?" His voice cracked. He turned pink and cleared his throat. "Really?"

"Yeah, it-it's quite embarrassing, I feel like a stupid school girl..."

"You're not stupid, and I'm sure it's a really good couplet..." She came to sit next to me. I was then immediately aware of how close she chose to sit.

"I-could read it to you...I-if you want! Or-or is that weird...?"

"N-no it's fine you can read it if you like! No ones ever written a poem about me..."

"Well there's a first for everything..." She flipped open her book with shaky fingers and read aloud:
You and your brown eyes are beyond compare
I really do like you, Klaus Baudelaire"
(i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it)

Klaus' P.O.V
I almost didn't pay attention to the poem because I was to busy staring at her face. But once I realised she expected me to say something, I had to say something.

"I- It was really good Iz. No one's ever said something so nice to me like that." I trailed off. She could have stopped at being kind, thoughtful and smart. Alas no, she had to be stunningly gorgeous too.

"I didn't expect to be here actually reading it to you...I don't know why I decided to..."

"I'm glad you did." I stood up, offered her my hand, and gave her a hug.

* * *

Duncan's P.O.V (on Sunday afternoon)

How. How did he manage to score a second date. Either she felt sorry for him or he used his sickly charm on her. But, I did make a stupid bargain with him. And if I didn't keep up my end, he'd tell her himself and I do NOT want that happening. So I found myself upstairs knocking on the door to the spare room.

I knocked and the door was opened not seconds later by Violet. She grinned and looked slightly flustered

"Duncan! Hi!"

"Hey, uh" This was as far as my rehearsal got. "Can I come in?"

"Oh sure! Sorry, there's stuff everywhere, I've been planning a new design."

"Oh that's great!" You're doing well, just keep talking. Act. Natural. "I wanted to...well, tell you something,"

"I had something to say too...But you first!"

"Oh! Right. My thing...My thing to say. The thing I came here to say. To you." Smooth. It didn't help that she giggled adorably. "Well, stuff it..." *lightbulb* "Can- I'm going to turn around and say it. And then I'll turn back around once I've finished speaking, Okay?"

"Okay?" She looked confused but still intrigued.

"Right." I spun around to face the calendar on the back of the door. "Here's the thing. I really like you. Really is probably an understatement. Ever since I met you, pretty much, I've liked you. You're still the most beautiful girl I've ever met and probably that I ever will meet. I-" My voice cracked. "It doesn't bother me if you don't feel the same, I just needed to say it." That calendar was really interesting- Tap tap on my shoulder. I swivelled slowly to find her standing e x t r e m e l y close with her eyes full of tears.

"Are you okay??? Wh-what did I say? I'm sor-" She laughed and pressed a finger to my face.

"No- you did and said nothing but perfect things. And I-" She just shook her head and with her hands slung around my neck, softly pressed her lips to mine.

Violet's P.O.V

I don't know why I kissed him. Maybe because it felt like the right time? What even is the right time for a kiss. It felt right. It was a soft kiss. The kind you do when you've never kissed i'm someone before. He didn't seem to know what was happening till we parted. He just stared at me. This time I was the one who thought they did something wrong. But that was wrong because as soon as I stopped, he caught on and slid his hands eXpErTlY around my waist and pulled me in. This. This was a proper kiss. Like in the movies. I couldn't feel my fingers that's how jittery I was. But it felt perfect. I hoped it would never end so I wrapped my hands higher around his neck and into his hair- oh what shampoo do you use. I felt like I couldn't be closer to him and that wasn't close enough.
Stupid humans need stupid oxygen though and I pulled away to breathe.

"I wasn't expecting that." He laughed.

"Me neither. You-" I was extremely flustered and felt as if I could faint at the sight of his face sO CLOSE TO MINE??? "You're good at that..."

"You think?" The dip I was NOT ready for and I almost squealed.

"Yeah well, I've got nothing to compare it to. But," I stood up and let go of him "Better just check you were good enough. Go again?" His turn for the dip.


wow okay cringe. it was kinda cute tho, ngl. my aesthetic is the quagmires being suave while the baudelaires stand there flustered and awkward.

have a noice dayyyy!


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