birthday surprises pt.2

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kay, i decided that duncan has reading glasses and that's all you need to know for this chapter.

Isadora's P.O.V

"OKAY!" Violet said "I think we can hear about Quigley's love life aFtEr the rest of the presents,"

"Good idea!" Quigley jumped at the chance to steer the attention away from himself ... which was out of character for him. "Me first this time!"

"Yea alright, just don't yell." Violet and Klaus then handed over one decent-sized gift. "It's from all four of us because we all agreed you needed these. He wasted no time opening it (again, before opening the card but, no one really minded).

"Are- DiD yOu gEt mE nEW cOnVERsE?" He didn't wait for an answer before pulling off the lid of the shoebox. "YOU DID! WOW...Guys..."

"You like them?" Despite his obvious glee, Klaus still asked this-

"YES, I LOVE THEM!" He pulled out one of the box and showed us all. They were dark blue high tops, the same as the ones already had except they were still intact and not completely covered in dirt. "THANK YOU, GUYS!"

"WhAt diD wE sAy aBoUt nOt yElLiNg? But we're glad you like them!" Violet would be such a good kindergarten teacher. "Okay here Izzie, this is from me." Violet gave Izzie a largeish round package.

Duncan's P.O.V

"OoOoOoO..." Isadora was of those people that when they like the wrapping paper, they'd open the present excruciatingly slow. She eventually lost her patience (as always) and tore it open..."A SQUISHMALLOW! YOU KNOW MY DREAM OF HAVING AN ARMY!"

"YES! Also, it's a koala!"


"Hey, now look who's yelling-"

"SHUSH QUIGLEY!" Sunny chimed in as she and Bea scooted forward to examine the squishmallow.

"He's cute huh, Sunny?" Izzie set the koala down next to her- "WAIT! We have to name him...TOBY! Toby the Koala."

Narrator's P.O.V or whatever you wanna call this

"Heh, okay my turn," Klaus handed her a smallish box. She tapped the floor next to her and he came and sat down. "Oh, and I have the receipt if you don't like it so I can return it no probl-"

"Klaus, chill, I'm gonna love it, because you got it for me."

"Ewww-" (Obviously from Duncan and Quigley.)

"Shutupguys." (And obviously from Violet)

Klaus blushed like crazy and hid his head behind her and she opened the box. Klaus was thinking the worst when she gAsPeD

"Oh, it's so pretty." she had pulled out a necklace with a pink stone. Without moving his head from her shoulder, Klaus mumbled:

"It's rose quartz and its meaning is something like unconditional love and uh it's really pretty...I thought you'd like it..."

"I do like it." She whispered and moved to see his face, "It's almost as pretty as you!" He started laughing at that and gave her a hug. Violet had gotten up to get Duncan's presents and returned.

"Okay, this one's from Klaus," Violet handed him the bag and he excitedly pulled out...a candle.

"OH, This is that one!!! That smelt really good that we saw!"

"YEAH! So glad you remembered otherwise that would have been embarrassing.

"Yeah no I remember," He opened it and sniffed the candle. "OHHH It still smells so good."

Everyone else just sat and stared wondering what was happening,

"OKAY! Here's my gift, Dunc...I hope- no, you BETTER like it!"

"Ah- okAy, slightly threatening!" He opened the paper and revealed... "...What aRe these?"

"Okay so, where are your glasses?"

"Uh...hEre!" She motioned for him to hand them to her.

"You clip them on like this!" Now Duncan's glasses had cat ears on them. "Oh-" Everyone burst out laughing. He looked ridiculous but seemed to like the look of them on him. Everyone then turned to Klaus because there were bunny ears too.

"Yeah alright."


HI! i'm back! this chapter isn't very long but this story will definitely be finished soon (i'm still open to other ideas though!!) and idk what's happening atm lol.

i aLsO don't know how it will end ... WE'LL HAVE TO WAIT AND SEE!



694 words

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