hell yeah we're at the ZOO!

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ugh okay HI i'm BACK! this is taking a long time i am SO SORRY! but let's see if i can make this the last chapter!

Narrator's P.O.V

Sunny wanted to see the giraffes. Duncan wanted to see the penguins. Isadora was already dragging Klaus in the direction of the otters, and Quigley was immediately distracted by the meerkats (which as any of my friends will tell you, is me. Quigley represents me.) Violet knew they'd lose someone so she yelled-

"GUYS! DON'T LOSE EACH OTHER- iDIots!!" Everyone came back slowly, "Okay. I will let each of you got where you want-"


"ON ONE CONDITION! Does everyone have a watch? Or a phone?." They nodded. " I want everyone at those picnic tables in 2 hours, at 12:30, okay?"

"OKAY!" Aaand they were off. Violet was then dRAGGED to the giraffes violently against her will.

Klaus P.O.V

I had not chosen to see the otters but I was going to see them anyway, I didn't mind though because Isadora wasn't letting go of my hand and that was a plus. *dreamy sigh* I love my girlfriend.


Oh no. That's new. I didn't know that. Do I love her? Maybe I do, gosh. I didn't think I'd be in love at the age of 15. Well, almost 15. I didn't expect my life to become a romcom but here we are.

I wasn't going to worry about that right now though because we had reached the otter enclosure.

"KLAUS LOOK! THEY'RE SO PRECIOUS!" She did her best not to knock over any small children but she was very excited and I had to apologise to a woman with a pram. She didn't seem to mind, she just smiled and said:

"Watch you don't loose her." She was right, Izzy had almost disappeared-

"IZZY WAIT!" I followed her frantically. I found her pressed against the glass still watching the otters.

"Hey Klaus, did you know that otters hold hands so they don't float away when they sleep?"

"Yeah, we'll I think I better start holding your hand so that you don't float away, aka: see something else furry and make a beeline for it-"

"Don't worry," She smiled. "I'd have to try pretty hard to float away from you." Before I could start breathing again her eyes lit up. "LET'S GO SEE THE PENGUINS!" And then she had my hand again and we were off.

Violet's P.O.V

Sunny had a blast looking at all the giraffes. But I had to tear her away because I wanted to find Duncan.

"You take me to Quig, then you can go kiss your boyfriend."

"suNny! ... That is a good idea though, let's go find Quigley

He wasn't hard to find, still at the meerkat enclosure. (last time i went to the zoo i spent like 20 minutes there so i get you quiggles they're adorable) I told him to keep an eye on Sunny, even though she's close to being more responsible than him. He nodded and told me to not loose track of time while I'm snogging his brother. I rolled my eyes and wandered in the direction of the sea life area.

Just as I found the penguins, Duncan bumped into me as he was leaving.

"Hi! Just the girl I was looking for."

"Good because I was looking for YOU!"

"Awesome. Come with me!" He offered a piggy back and I said what the hell and went with it.

For some reason he was carrying me away from all the enclosures and towards the ...

"Toilet block? Dunc, why are we- ??"

"It's the toilet block that no ones uses because it's far away so I can do this."

By 'this' he meant kissing me and I was taken so much by surprise that before my brain had processed anything he stopped.

"Dude why'd you stop-" I swung my arms around his neck and brought his lips to mine again. I don't know what had happened since our perfect first kiss but this was somehow 1000 times better. My mind was blank and I get warm and fuzzy. All I could think was "🦋‼️✨💥💕" and "I love him-"

OH NO! That's new. When did that happen.

Don't think about that.

I didn't want to stop but I had to because I couldn't not think about that. I broke away.
Poor boy looked heartbroken.

"I'm sorry I made you stop but this is important." He looked scared. "No, of course I'm not breaking up with you. I-" I didn't think this would be hard. Why was it hard.(*whispers* that's what she sa- SORRY)

"You okay?" Bless his soul. This boy, who I'd been through literal hell with. My mind get clear and I knew what I was feeling.

"This is probably a bit too much but I just think that- I mean- I've never really felt this way and I thought you ought to know that ... I am maybe ... Just- just a tiny bit ... in love."

Duncan's P.O.V

"... in love."

I blinked.

"W-with me?"

"Y-yes? Woah, don't pass out there buddy-" I almost did but I overcame it pretty fast. I'd never felt better in my life.

"I LOVE YOU TOO!" Whoops I yelled that.

I had also never seen her turn that shade of red.

"I love you too." I said more quietly

And then we kissed more. It was (guess what he's gonna say.) the BEST BIRTHDAY EVER


i'll be back in like half an hour *hopefully* with the last chapter.

i hope you guys liked this, i cant really write kissing from personal experience so i'm just going off books.


i love the small amount of people that read this and wait for me to update, y'all are as patient as the sherlock fandom.


975 words

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