so i got tagged ;)

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yo. i felt like doing this bc i owe you all after being m.i.a for like a mOnTh!
got tagged in this lil q&a by sunny-and-ink
so here u go:

why did you decide to come on wattpad?
idrk...probably wanted to read some fics and then i got depressed after finishing asoue and wanted to wrote my own things.

what's ur middle name?
as if imma tell u. half my friends don't even know. i'm italian, let's leave it at that.

who was ur first follower on wattpad?
my bEsTiE gretab193

what is your relationship status?
single as hell and in love with several dozen fictional dream boats, also multiple celebrities that live on another continent.

what is ur zodiac sign?
i'm a cancer ♋️

who is your celebrity crush?
i'll name a few:
-malina weissman
-millie bobby brown
-probably finn wolfhard.
-probably noah schnapp
-yes my current obsession is stranger things, how did you know.
-there's probably more idk

what's ur favourite emoji?
two most used are ✨🎵 so probably those two. i like the ✨sparkles✨

who is ur best friend?
i have more than that i promise.
here u go, ninanina221 have a shoutout.

what is the backstory behind ur username?
idek what my username is-
oh. well it's my name and then 6 bc at that point i was in year 6 and 3 bc it's my lucky number and 06 bc i was born in 2006

do you play and instrument?
ye. i've played violin since prep.

what the one thing you hate in the world?
big questions like that.
err idk. inequality sucks and racism sucks and ableism sucks and homophobia sucks and just about everything that falls under that umbrella

what's ur worst fear?
i don't like spiders AT ALL but that isn't strange. i don't like heights very much.

what is the best dream you've ever had?
jee. um. one where i could fly and i had some pixie girlfriend idk it was cool.

who is your fictional crush?
again. there's loads. i'll name a fEw:
-klaus baudelaire
-mike wheeler
-enola holmes definitely (i'm a distasteful bisexual, if you couldn't tellTHAT WAS SUPPOSED TO SAY DISASTER BAHAHA! see? disaster.)
-most of the stranger things characters if i'm honest.
-flynn rider (eugene fitzherbert)
-E N T R A P T A
-esme gigi genevieve squalor
-definitely loads more but i'll spare you the details

tag 15 people
damn, idk that many people-
kay, here goes
if you see this, feel free to do it and say i tagged you ;)

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