spilling some DIFFERENT beans

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Klaus' P.O.V

I was terrified. Terrified of Duncan and Quigley. Of what they'd have to say about someone (even someone they knew well) dating their only sister. So naturally, I bribed Izzie into telling them instead of me and waited for my doom in the next room.

She'd been chatting to them for at least four minutes and twenty-three seconds now-



Pray for me.

Isadora's P.O.V

Klaus was too chicken to face my brothers so it was me pushing open their door.


"Heyyy! Look it's my f-favourite...brothers!!!"

"...You don't have any other ones- Oh no, you have to tell us something don't you?" Quigley said.

"Whaaaaat??" Shit. "nOoOoOoO!!" They're onto me.

"He's right," Duncan swivelled in his chair intimidatingly. "You only talk like that when you have bad news or you want something so, c'mon, let's hear it."

"...Fine." Here goes nothing. "You know that one time you both agreed to rip any boy who came near me to shreds?"


"How could we forget."

"Well..." I took a deep breath and pRaYeD they'd not freak out. "There may or may not be a boy-"



"cHILL! You know him! And-" I could see them freaking out slowly. "ANDHE'SREALLYSWEETSOYOUDEFINITELYSHOULDNOTBEATHIMTOPULP!"

"...Give us a better reason." They both said creepily in unison.

"Ugh- I like him? And anyway, NEITHER of you have ANY control over me so if you hate him, that's NOT MY PROBLEM!" That told them! "You also have to understand that I don't need protecting. And if you're right and he IS horrid, I am MORE than capable of socking him in the nose myself! Now, if you promise not to fReAk oUt, I'll tell you who it is!"

"Can we sock him in the nose after you do?" Quigley said quietly.

"Only if he's horrid."

"DEAL!" They shouted.

"Okay. I-I'll be right back." I started to make my way out of the room-

"Waaait-" Duncan froze. I did too. Curse his smart ass and observational skills. He'd put two and two together hadn't he. Quigley was never very good at maths. "It- What do you mean 'be right back'...?- I-" He blinked.

"Oh. oH! OHHH!!"

"Uhm." I had not planned for this. Duncan looked surprisingly calm. I hadn't a clue whether the sudden calmness was a good thing or not. "Okay, Quig, Stay here and think. Dunc, come on then."

"Wha-" We shut the door before Quigley could ask any more questions.

"You know who it is...?"

"Yeah, and I'm okay with it." I stared. "Seriously! I sometimes think that we go over the top with being your brothers-"

"You can say THAT again."

"-_- ALL I'm saying is, I'm happy if you're happy?"

"That's what I wanted to hear! C'mon, Klaus is probably cowering somewhere..." Duncan nearly tripped over his own feet for reasons I cannot fathom, causing him to make a fuss.



Klaus' P.O.V

"HEY!" I pretty much jumped out of my skin at her voice. "Stop cowering," I was cowering. I was sitting in the corner of the room on the floor.

"We come in peace." Well, that's new...

"Huh?" Duncan reached his hand down to help me up and I stared at him before hauling myself up.


"Of course not!" He replied, before turning back to me.

"Don't worry, I don't doubt your ability to beat me up"

"Good!" He clapped me on the shoulder before striding out "Hey QUIGLEYYYYY!"



sorry this chapter is such a mess but oh well.

PLEASE lmk if there's anything AT ALL you'd like me to include in the next few chapters bc i'm running out of ideas!



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