a new beginning

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Violet's P.O.V

Today was the day. The tide would rise high enough for us to leave the island for the first time in a year. We had been on such a journey. A journey so long that you'd fill at least 13 books writing it all down. But, a year ago, it all ended. The man who began our troubles died. Just like that, it was over. We were stranded on an island for a year, which turned out to be not such a bad thing. My brother and sister and I were given the task of looking after young Beatrice Snicket whose mother didn't make it through childbirth due to the effects of the Medusoid Mycelium. My siblings and I had survived on this island for long enough. It was time to go home.

* * *

"Sunny? Can you make sure Beatrice is ready?"

"Mkay Violet!" My little sister ran off to find her friend. Sunny was the bravest 3-year-old in the whole world. She had been through things that no one should experience, let alone someone of her age. She was a superb cook as well. Her cooking skills got herself out of a close brush with death once. No one else was smart enough to know that wasabi can replace horseradish in a dire situation. Her cooking skills have grown from using cinnamon in hot chocolate to cooking us delicious meals every night we're here (with my help, of course, she is only 3).

"Hey Vi, can you give me a hand?" I turned to see my brother, Klaus carrying more books than he can carry but he was managing somehow with one balanced precariously on his head.

"Woah, you know you have to pack your clothes too right?"

He laughed and his hat substitute fell with a thud onto the sand "I know..." He said dropping his load and picking up the stray book "But I have them in a separate bag. I could never survive a long boat journey without books Violet, do you know me at all?" He grinned and we carried his library to our boat. My brother loved books. All kinds. Ever since our parents had the alphabet painted onto his walls, it was his only passion, and it had saved our lives more than I can remember. He figured out a way to stop an evil Count from legally marrying me when I was 14. His knowledge helped us open a door leading to a secret headquarters in the middle of the mountains. And, he helped us decode a suicide note that wasn't actually a suicide note but a coded location on a leech infested lake.

"You see, books to me is like your hair ribbon. You'd be lost without it, and we certainly wouldn't have survived this far without you and your inventing brain!" He patted my head and walked back to grab is actual clothes.

I was an inventor. That was my passion. Whenever I needed to think or invent something fast, I would tie up my hair with my silk ribbon that never left my side. Except when we had to create a fake keychain to get into a library of records in a half-finished hospital in the Hinterlands of course, but we were never in that situation twice thankfully. My most recent invention was a sundial so we'd know exactly when the tide would rise so we could sail away. We had just over two hours.

* * *

It was time. Time for our little family to sail away from this secluded island and back to civilisation. I severely hope we aren't still printed in the papers as murderers.


"I'm coMING VI!" I groaned and helped Bea into the boat.

"Sunny, hop it and hop in the boat."

"I coming, I coming Violet!" She skipped up to me with the last of her belongings and I helped her into the boat.

"Now, stay there with Bea while I go find that idiot brother of ours" She giggled and waved as I strode off in search of a bookworm on the loose.


"CHILL VIOLET I'M HURRYING, I'M HURRYING" He emerged with a backpack and his bookmark collection. (i have a bookmark collection lol, and I'm very proud of it) "oKAY. I'M HERE. LET'S GO" I rolled my eyes and yanked his arm back to the shore. He dumped his backpack and bookmarks next to the girls and we both took off our shoes. The two of us began to push the small boat out of the shallows. I could see the water rising and I jumped quickly into the boat. Klaus gave the boat one last push before joining me. I raised the sail and put Sunny in charge of the steering mechanism at the back.

I smiled "This is it, guys." I looked at my brother and sister and little Bea. They had all grown so much during this year, Bea and Sunny especially. We all had to learn to adapt so much on this island, it's been an amazing experience, but good lord I'm excited to leave.

"Time for a new beginning"

We sailed through the opening in the rocks with ease. Next stop: Home

hii soooo this the nEw bEgInNiNg! i hope you liiiiiike it ;) this is my first time writing a story that's completely my own (excluding the fact it's an asoue fic)
see you in a week! (hopefully)

951 words

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