violet found an almond on the floor.

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WARNING: this is an extremely chaotic chapter and will make no sense whatsoever. hope you enjoy ;)

this part is dedicated to gretab193 who made my day by naming this chapter.

nothing will happen here except me writing something stupid.

feel free to keep scrolling even though there's isn't a chapter yet published after this so you may as well stick around :D

i have decided that i am going to give you some serotonin. it will be wonderful. here are some pictures of malina weissman

 here are some pictures of malina weissman

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i'm not in love with her wdym...

i'm not in love with her wdym

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nope. not in love.

thank you for listening to my TEDtalk

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thank you for listening to my TEDtalk.

so i decided that i AM in fact, going to write about violet and her almond.

enjoy :)

it's gonna be a wild ride. curtesy of my brain at 10:30 at night.

violet's pov

ooh. almond?

a l m o n d

i see almond on the floor. no one is home so the almond is MINE.

✨o m l e t t e✨(violet + almond = almlet = omlette)

five-second rule? i mean, it could have been on the floor for more than five seconds but who's to say? and who is going to stop me? no one can stop me! not even obama can stop me now. not even john mulaney on his way to kill princess diana. not even with all the power of the lesbians of power he could not stop me. not even if you had the power of a plastic bag floating in the wind wanting to start again. not even if mariah carey screamed from the oven, telling me to stop! i would still vanquish you and eat the almOND!

✨my point is.✨

that whatever you say, could not convince me not to *cronch* the almond.

oh wait there's dust on it


that ish is ✨n a s t y y✨

b i n t h a t i s h

almond's pov

oh no

hello darkness my old fren.

this is the end.

tell my family i love them.

tell the pistachios they need to open up and stop being insecure bc once they open up, everyone loves them. if they don't open up, they meet the same fate as me; being chucked in the bin.

the end


i hope you enjoyed my epic tale of love, tragedy, hilarity, and loss and i hope violet and almond taught you something about yourself.

never be afraid to eat the almond. don't worry about what obama thinks of you. eat that almond. or don't, its fine idc, no pressure.

i'm proud of you whether you eat that almond or not.

i hope this made you laugh. it certainly made me laugh hysterically to the point where....look, i understood about as much as you did.

have a croissant of a day.

idk what means either.

but eat that f*cking almond. (or not that's fine too idc)

good day to you my frens!


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