united once more - pt 1

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Klaus's P.O.V

She knocked. I could hear voices, then footsteps. I panicked. Violet did too. She felt the need to fix her hair at this moment. Shit. Did my hair look okay?

We snapped out of our impromptu hair salons as the door opened to reveal:

"Hi, can I help- OH MY GOSH BAUDELAIRES??" Quigley almost screamed.

"What?" Duncan came up behind him. "VIOLET!"

"uh HI DUNCAN." Then, Bea was sitting on the floor looking confused and Violet had flung herself at Duncan. (but we'll get to that later...)

I gave Quigley a somewhat awkward hug since we barely knew each other. Then he said:

"Oh, jee sorry, uh come in you guys." We left Violet and Duncan at the door. Sunny and Bea followed Quigley in and I grabbed our bags.

"Wow, sorry this looks like we're coming to live with you, we just haven't been in the city very long and haven't worked out where we're going to stay."

"No no, it's fine, heY ISADORA!" He yelled up the stairs.



"OOH WHO IS IT?" He grinned.

"GUESS." I heard her groan.



"OH, IS IT THAT DREAMBOAT MALINA WEISSMAN?" (not me in being utterly in love with her.)

"Well if it is, she's not here for you..." He said looking at Violet and Duncan. (I'M HILARIOUS, I KNOW!)

"KAY I GIVE UP THEN." I could hear her footsteps on the stairs. My stomach exploded with butterflies.

"Well, come and see!"

"Yes, yes I'm coming, I'm coming-" She almost gagged on her words. "KLAUS???"

"Uh, yeah hi." I breathed.

"YOU'RE ALIVE! OH my god, you're alive." She looked even more gorgeous if that was even possible. Shit. Ho-how do I breathe again? I got the same treatment as Duncan, not that I minded much. Having a beautiful girl *yeet* herself at me was far from the worst thing that ever happened to me. I didn't know what to do apart from hugging her back. The world evaporated around us and it was just me and her till we let go. I didn't want to let go. She was warm and I'd missed her too much.

Isadora's P.O.V *flashback to my other asoue fic where i crammed six povs into one chapter*

They were here. They were alive. He was here. He was alive. Right then, that was all I cared about. That and hugging the life out of him.
"Iz..." Quigley laughed. "Let the man breathe."
"Oh. Oh jee sorry Klaus, I-" I stared at him. He smiled awkwardly at me. "Sorry," He got another hug. "I missed you."

"I missed you too." He whispered. The hairs on the back of my neck stood up but in a good way.

GOD, I wanted to kiss him. But, I hadn't seen him in over a year and I didn't really think we were at the smooching point in our relationship. I didn't even really know what our relationship was. Sure, I have had a massive crush on him since I met him, but that's not something that comes up in conversation and chances are, he won't feel the same. So I just hugged him tightly.

* * *

After we'd said hello to everyone, the seven of us sat down to get the Baudelaires up to speed with everything.
"So you're telling me," Violet said after we'd explained the trials and tribulations of the first three months of this year. "Some guy ate a bat and therefore everyone is screwed?"

"Well, when you put it that way..." Quigley stroked his chin thoughtfully. Duncan snickered. "Sure. That just about sums it up."


"Woah is exactly right Bea!" I said to the young girl seated on my lap. The Baudelaires had explained what had happened after our last meeting to the best of their ability. Quigley helped fill in the gaps of course:

"This was where I had the superb idea to..." and "Oh yes I am a brilliant mountain climber..." and "I knew who J.S was all along, obviously..."  His usual show-offy-ness.

"So, what's happened in this year with you guys?" Klaus asked

"Er, well, not much," I replied. "Hector lives a couple of apartments down and he checks on us now and then. It was hard living in a hot hair mobile home for that long, I think we got annoyed at each others company towards the end."

"Yeah, I'd forgotten how annoying it is to share a living space with someone with the same face as me." Quigley got a slap for that.

"Hey, so do you know any places we could stay?" Violet asked quietly.

"Er...well, believe it or not, we actually have enough space here for three more people," Duncan said.

"Yeah," I replied. "We have a spare room with a bunk bed and there's a sofa bed out here."

"Reeeally?" Sunny asked excitedly with a glance to her older siblings I didn't quite understand.

"Yeah!" Quigley said excitedly. "ROOMMATES!!"

"HEY, am I not a good enough roomie?" Duncan said, offended.

"Pffft" Was his only reply. And so the quarrelling began.

I sighed. "They may be at this for a while yet, come with me to the spare room." The five of us left those idiots bickering on the couch and I lead the Baudelaires to our spare room.

"Hey, this great!" Klaus remarked. The room had newspapers and maps tacked to the walls EVERYWHERE.

"Yeah, we made it into a study, though it's mainly become a competition between my brothers to see who can make the most mess."

"Well, I'd say Duncan is winning," Violet said pointing to the stacks of Daily Punctilio scattered everywhere with Duncan's notes on them. It makes him feel better to correct the newspaper. I don't know why.

"Sure that's not the only reason you're choosing Duncan's side?" Klaus said with a not so subtle nudge and wink at Violet. She turned pink and quietly told him to shut up. Klaus grinned at me. I laughed and tried to prevent my own cheeks from turning a shade significantly darker than Violet.


the cringe is real with this one.

idk when the next chapter will be up bc i'm on holidays now, we'll see if i'm
motivated to write.

i'm out, bye


1063 words

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