land ahoy!

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Klaus' P.O.V - i may be murdered for writing this bit...

We spent the rest of the day mucking about and playing games until it was time for dinner. Sunny made us another scrumptious dinner and Violet offered to take first watch this time. I lay down before she said to me;

"Oh and Klaus, I know why you were so tired yesterday." Shit. What did she know? "Pride & Prejudice is hard to put down isn't it?" She grinned evilly at me.

"I- How did you know?" I said, embarrassed.

"You didn't stash it very well under your pillow last week and I saw it sticking out." She winked and sat herself down at the front of the boat. I prayed she didn't know about the many other period dramas and 19th-century romance novels I'd stashed in a *hopefully* more secret location. I shouldn't have to hide them. Boys should be allowed to read whatever they want. I sighed and tried to fall asleep. It didn't take me long, I drifted into a slumber soon enough.

* * *

Before I knew it I began to dream. I don't often have dreams, and when I do, they're normally completely insane. This one however almost made me cry after I woke up

(the dream is italicised)

We arrived onshore and looked around. it was Briny Beach. There were people on the beach crowded around something. It looked like a hot air balloon. Or many hot air balloons...

We approached the crowd and asked them to let us through with 'We're children, we can't see, we're too short!' It seemed to work.

What we saw in the middle of the crowd was a group of people I thought I'd never see again.

She turned around.
"KLAUS?" And she ran at me and hugged me tightly. "I missed you so much, Klaus."



"Klaus! Hey, sleepyhead, wake up." Violet was shaking my shoulders. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. I felt like crying. "Sunny screamed "Land ahoy!" at the top of her lungs, how did you sleep through that?"

"What? Oh, I uh...must have been far away..."

"Klaus? You okay?"

"Oh uh yeah I-I'm fine Vi, don't worry about me." She didn't look convinced. But we had to get ready to get off the boat so she dropped the conversation. The four of us watched as the coastline drew nearer and nearer. We eventually reached the shallows and we all hopped out. Only then, did we realise where we'd arrived. (cAn yOu gUeSs?)

"Of course," I rolled my eyes, grabbing my bag as well as Violet's so she could help Bea.

"What?" Violet asked helping Sunny out and picking up Bea.

I sighed. "It's Briny Beach. Who woulda thunk it." The place our misfortune began. Hooray. I thoroughly enjoyed returning to this dreary beach. -_-

"Hah, let's hope we don't run into any bankers..." Violet said lightheartedly, collecting all our belongings and making our way up towards the street. I was glad there wasn't anyone around because they would have been immensely confused at the sight of four children appearing from nowhere on a boat and strolling up the dunes. I subconsciously looked to where the mobile home had been in my dream. Definitely no crowd, no Quagmires and no Isadora.

"What day is it?" Sunny asked, pulling me from my reverie before retrieving a newspaper from a nearby wastepaper basket and handing it to me.

"Friday the 15th of May, 2020. Oh, jee, the earth is fu-" (no reason why i chose this date, i just wanted to make some cOrOnA jokes)

"DON'T swear in front of the yOuNg children!" Violet scolded me.

"Sorry, I mean the earth is stuffed, they got the Black Death happening here."


"Yeah and there's no toilet paper..."


"Right. Oh and by the looks of this paper, Australia is on fire. Sheesh, that's not good..."

"God, what the hell happened while we were gone? A lot clearly." We pushed the newspaper article from our minds, I turned to Violet and asked:

"Well, what now?"

"Good question, I've been thinking about who we know that is...well, still with us and the only people I can think of are Lemony; Kit and Jacques' brother, and Jaqueline but she's in Winnipeg still, presumably."

"Quagmires?" Sunny said quietly.

"D-do you think it's worth looking for them?" I asked Violet sadly.

"I-I guess we could try. What have we got to lose?" She smiled and we headed towards the nearest building.

"At least we know where we are." True, Briny Beach is a place I'd never forget. "Now, do you think we could look them up? Or maybe search for them in the yellow pages-"

"What's a yellow pages?" Sunny interrupted.

"It's like a phone book," I answered. "And Violet, slow down. Firstly, no one uses the yellow pages anymore." She glared at me. "Secondly, yes, I think we could probably look them up. If anything, they crashed a giant hot air mobile home somewhere, that's bound to have been in the papers."

So, we headed towards the library in search of a computer.

I loved the public library. Well, I loved all libraries but this one was the first I'd ever been to and I'll never forget how happy I was surrounded by so many books. We headed in and made a beeline for the computers in the back.

"Okay so..." I sat down and clicked on the records section "I'll search for...?

"Try 'Quagmire triplets'?" I did. Nothing.

"Okay...I'll try 'hot air mobile home'" I did. Nothing.

"This is the Daily Punctilio we're talking about, I'm sure no one knew it was a hot air mobile home, try 'hot air balloon triplets'". Violet had a point. I searched for that. It seemed to take an eternity to load results, but when they loaded, I nearly jumped for joy before reading aloud:

"'TRIPLETS WASH UP ON BRINY BEACH AFTER HOT AIR BALLOON CRASHES AT SEA. Triplets Isabella, Daniel and Quiggleforth Quagmare arrive with their friend Henry on land after a hurricane destroyed their hot air balloon.' Wow. They could not have gotten that more wrong." I scrolled down.

"There's an address!" Violet nearly screamed with joy, earning her a few shushes. "841 Dismal Drive."

"What are we waiting for?!" Sunny said. "ALLONS-Y!"


heyyy so i like this chapter, hope you do toooo! a creative street name i know.

sEe yOu nExT wEdNeSdAy

(because on wednesdays we wear piNk. that is entirely irrelevant but IDC)



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