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let's hope this part is significantly better than the previous one

Narrator's P.O.V

The Baudelaires spent a week with the Quagmires getting reacquainted with them before they started to think about ✨the future.✨

Violet was sitting on the couch with Klaus when the thought spun into her head

"Hey, Klaus?"

"Mmm?" He replied, not looking up from Sense & Sensibility. (klaus is a jane austen fan, change my mind.)

"We can't stay with these guys forever, do you think we oughta start thinking about...I don't know...getting a job?" He put his bookmark in slowly and didn't look up from the book.

"I've been dreading this conversation, god knows why." He straightened his specs and looked over at her.

"It'sbecauseyoudon'twannaleaveIzzie" She grinned. He glared at her. She stopped grinning. "Sorry. But seriously, neither of us have finished school? And we have no money until I'm 18."

"True." He sighed. "Well, we could go into town tomorrow and inquire after a job? Something mechanical?"

The next day, they did just that! The two of them left Sunny and Bea in the capable hands of the triplets and headed into town. Klaus had scouted out the address for a local mechanic to see if they'd let Violet work there, and he had his heart set on helping at the library.

* * *

Meanwhile, back at the ranch...

The two Quagmire boys were sitting with Sunny and Bea on the couch, watching Friends while Isadora sat in the armchair reading. She finished her chapter and groaned as the Friends theme began once again for what must have been the 27th time.

Isadora's P.O.V

"Haven't you guys had enough of this show yet?-" They shushed me and clapped along. I eventually got up because I couldn't stand to hear that theme song one more time. I glanced at the clock. Klaus and Violet had been gone for almost two hours, hopefully, they'd be back soon.

Not fifteen minutes after I checked the clock, the door swung open to reveal the eldest Baudelaires. I jumped up to greet them.

"How'd it go??"



Violet didn't seem too happy, but Klaus was bursting with joy and he had an adorable grin plastered on his face.

"I take it that it didn't go well, Vi?" Duncan assessed.

"Yeah, apparently I have no experience because making a grappling hook out of a pasta maker isn't a qualification and neither is building a contraption to break down a prison wall."

"You made a grappling hook out of a pasta maker??" Quigley asked bewildered half in shock as to why she needed it and half in admiration. Duncan gave him a look that said 'She's so cool right??' and 'Back off' at the same time. (lord knows how his face muscles achieved that, but izzie's words, not mine!)

"Yeah," She replied, disinterested. "Anyway, Klaus-"

"I got a job helping at the library!!!" I gasped.

"Awesome!!! Doing what?"

"Mainly shelving books and things." He looked so pleased with himself and that made Quigley laugh. "Hey! It's cool to me, so laugh all you like." He did and I whacked him. Violet still looked disheartened.

"Hey, don't worry," Duncan gave her a hug "I'm sure you'll find someone who'll appreciate your talent enough to employ you."

"In the meantime though," Here comes the dumb comment. "Klaus can earn a fortune shelving books!" And that time, Klaus chucked the TV remote at him.


* * *

Duncan's P.O.V

Later that night, we all sat down and ordered pizza. Then Izzie said she had something to show Klaus, (bit suspicious) and then Bea starting complaining about being hungry and Violet went to get her food and Sunny was preoccupied biting the remote so Quigley and I sat in silence before he said:

"So...when are you gonna tell Violet you liiike her?" He wiggled his eyebrows.

"Whaaat??! I dO nOt liKe hEr!!!" Although I knew I'd already turned a deep shade of red.

"C'mon! You do. All the SWOONING I see you do when you think no one can see you." I scoffed.

"I dO nOt sWoOn!" His turn to scoff. "sWoOoNiNg," I continued "Is for teenage girls in coming of age movies, not teenage boys bearing no resemblance to Hilary Duff WHATSOEVER!" This made him laugh hysterically. I don't think the mention of Hilary Duff helped prove the point at all. "OKAY! I like her...a lot"


"Yep, I admit it, so you can tease me-"

"Oh, I will." I ignored that.

"-But I plan on telling her soon enough so you won't have long to tease me!"

"Awww! By your standards, how soon is 'soon"'?"

"Er well-"

"How about when she comes back from the kitchen?"

"nO! tHaT's tOo sOoN-"

"What on earth are you two squabbling about?" Oh no...

"Oh Violet, Duncan has something he wanted to say-"

"NOIDON'T!" Damn, I hate that prat. No, royal prat. (dumb merlin references anyone?)

"Ooohkay?" She sat down looking confused and I was suddenly aware of the fact that Sunny had been gnawing on the remote this whole time. Fuuuu-

"Can the pizza hurry up!" Sunny said suddenly.

"Yeah, the pizza should be here soon and yes, I do have carrots for you." I sighed in relief, for I was scared she'd spill the beans on me. The doorbell rang and Violet and Quigley jumped up and sprinted to the door, Quigley yelling "PIZZAAAAAA" up the stairs to alert the others. I scooched over to Sunny.

"Hey, listen Sunshine, if you repeat anything you heard I will...be very annoyed!" I couldn't threaten a child!

"You're chicken."

"I am not chicken!" I gasped. Such an insult coming from such a small human!

"Then suck it up or I tell myself, and that's not romantic at all Duncah!" That was true.

"Okay. I'll tell her and make a fool of myself..."


"Huh? What do you mean 'nope'?" She sighed. She reminded me of my mother when my dad was being oblivious to something right in front of his nose.

"I mean, you won't make fool of yourself because she like you too."


"You're more stupid than my brother! I promise I'm right. I'm good eavesdropper." She winked at me and ran to get pizza. I sat there in shock for a minute processing what she'd just told me before they all came back with said pizza. Isadora and Klaus looked strangely flustered but I thought nothing of it at the time, I was too confused and starting to come up with a plan to tell Violet how I felt...


yayy so this chapter has significantly more substance than the last chapter so that's good. also, i made five references to some sort of book/tv show/movie so see if you can find them all!

i'll be back next week with the reason for the two flustered bookworms...



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