planned stuff and pancakes

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hi. sorry i'm back. i need to figure out how to end this story so i'm reaaaallly struggling to write but hopefully i'll have one or two more chapters!

idk..Narrator's P.O.V

After presents we're all opened and wrapping paper successfully distracting Bea, everyone else headed back to the kitchen for breakfast.


"Pancakes." Everyone agreed with Violet. They set about rummaging around finding everything while Klaus made sure Quigley was kept OUT of the kitchen, specially on Sunny's orders. The Quagmires were amazed at the young girls skills in the kitchen, so much so that Quigley forgot about being a menace and agreed to help.

The pancakes were cooked, the table was set and everyone was looking forward to Sunny's cooking.

"Hey guys! We should put candles in the pancakes!" Quigley exclaimed as they say down.

"That's not a bad idea except we've already got stuff planned don't we Klaus?"

"That's right Violet. Unless you wanna blow out double the amount of candles?"

The Quagmires were suddenly very eager to finish breakfast in order to discover what was planned for them.

After a bit of squabbling over the last strawberries and about how Quigley had way too much maple syrup, the seven of them went to get ready for the "stuff" that was "planned".

The Quagmires were told to take their time so that everything would be ready when they were ready to leave to witness the Planned Stuff.


i have no idea what to write so imma end it here and come back to you when i have an idea.

sorry for taking 49359 years

only like 273 words

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