the fairytale ending everyone deserves

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Isadora's P.O.V

We passed Duncan as we entered the penguin enclosure. He saw us and winked at me. I rolled my eyes and kept walking with Klaus following not far behind.

"Oh look there's a talk about to happen!" I say as I spot someone with a mic.

"Stay and listen?"


We did. I'm sure it was a really interesting talk, but I wasn't paying attention. Even after being Officially Together for a little while now,(maybe like two weeks or smth) I still managed to feel giddy and nervous when sitting this close to him. I honestly like him so much it's kinda gross. (where are my livies at?) I can't help it though.

Klaus' P.O.V

The talk was good. I think. If I'm honest, I wasn't really tuned in because my stomach was doing flips. My body still couldn't maintain homeostasis around her. I just felt like I might explode every time I see her. I can hear Violet's voice telling me I'm lovesick but, it's true, I honestly like her so much I kinda feel sick.

We left the enclosure slowly and headed to the picnic area.

"Hey, before we meet up with the others there's something I feel like I need to tell you." She looks worried. "Nothing bad! Just, something I gotta tell you."

"You're okay?"

"Yeah! I'm- I've never felt better. I mean that. I basically had a crush on you as soon as I heard you recite that poem about Carmelita and ever since then ... What I'm trying to say is ... I think I might have ... fallen in love."

"...With me?"


She stood processing this information for a second before saying:

"If we weren't standing in the middle of a zoo right now you would not know what hit you."


"Idiot- COME WITH ME!" She literally dragged me into the nearest bathroom. The girls bathroom.

"Izzy this is the women's-"

"I don't care, we're just gonna make out it's fine-" She wasn't kidding. I was pulled into a stall behind her and before I could register anything, she kissed me. Surprisingly softly though.

Isadora's P.O.V

I tried to convey my emotions through the kiss because unless it rhymed, I was no good with words.

I loved him back. I loved him a lot.

You're the only one my couplets will be about forever ... I don't ever want to be without you ... You make me so happy

Conveying emotions through a kiss was hard. Especially when you just wanted to kiss them and nothing else. So I did just that.

With my hands in his hair and his hands at my waist. We stayed like that until we realised we needed to meet up with everyone.

~ at the picnic tables ~

Narrator's P.O.V

"What took so long?" Sunny exclaimed as Duncan and Violet, followed by Isadora and Klaus, came and sat down.

"Actually, we don't want to know, Sunny" Quigley was sitting with a girl who had olive skin, curly hair and triangular glasses. (i said in the description i'd give you figley, and i am delivering) "Guys, this is Fiona."


"So you're the girl who managed to pin my brother down! We've heard so much! Actually the main thing I remember was mushrooms..." Duncan trailed off.

"It's nice to meet you!" Izzy thought she'd better make up for her brothers terrible conversation skills.

Everyone introduced themselves and got talking.

Sunny and Klaus volunteered to go get food and returned with a picnic basket that was so not planned.

The Quagmires agreed that it was a lovely end to a perfect birthday with the people they loved the most.

Little did they know, if their parents were around?

Beatrice and Karen would have gotten $20 out of their husbands.


imma do a proper author note over the page


643 words

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