ikea purchases and other adventures

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Isadora's P.O.V

I was freaking out because today I planned to do something big. The thing was telling Klaus I liked him. Scary, I know. The thing is that Klaus is the least scary person I know, he's like an adorable teddy bear. But telling him is terrifying because he might not like me back and I wouldn't wanna ruin our friendship. I had a plan though; I'd ask him to come to the study with me so I can show him something, (and I will, I got new things for the study) and then I'll just do it. Wish me luck!

"Hey, Klaus?"


"Come up to the study I wanna show you something!"

"Okay!" I heard him padding up the stairs to follow me.

I stuck my head out of the study and motioned for him to follow.

"So, I got some new things for here!" I showed him the lamp and the new bookends and then shut the door to show the calendar I put on the back "I also made space on the bookshelf for you if you wanted to move some of your books in here?"

"Hey, that's great Izzie! Thanks for uh, thinking of me..."

"No problem..." I said quietly, not taking my eyes off his. I could literally fall into his eyes a not return for a long time. I then realised I was staring and quickly stopped. "Um, so I wanted to say something..." Nice going Isadora, You're already blushing Izzie. "I'm just going to say it" I started laughing. "I like you. A lot. Like, like like you. Am I making any sense? Probably not...I- I just wanted to tell you that and if you-" I shut my eyes so I didn't have to look at him, I was that embarrassed. "-can't return these feelings then I am totally okay with that and-and- There's a reason for your silence isn't there? Or is it because I'm talking too much-"

Klaus' P.O.V

She- I- Ho- Wh-what do I say-

She looked heartbroken. SAY SOMETHING IDIOT!

"I- No! The-the silence is because I don't know wh-what to say because when I imagine this happening, I never actually get up to saying anything in reply." I scratched my forehead. That sounded dumb. "My point is," I took a shaky breath. "I- I like you too Isadora. Like, like like you." I saw shock flood through her face followed by an emotion I couldn't read.

"C-could you stand there for five seconds while I grab something?"

"Uhm, O-okay?" She slipped out of the room and sprinted down the hall. She returned about a minute and a half later with...a tie? She did it up around her neck and then loosened it and took it off. She came up to me, swung it around my neck and whispered:

"I've always wanted to do this." And grabbed the tie and pressed her lips to mine.

I stood in shock for a good seconds before realising what was happening. And standing there is a bad thing to do because she pulled away.

I think some divine intervention must have occurred because what happened next was unbelievable. I just slid my hands around her waist and kissed her again. This time properly. I don't know the definition of "properly" kissing someone but I must have don't an okay job because she gasped and relaxed into the embrace, her hands weaving up around my neck. Kissing her was the most extraordinary feeling. Like having sunshine in my veins. I pulled her as close as possible because I never wanted this to end.

But we had to breathe at some point though.

So we did and I just stared at her until we heard the pizza arrive. I grabbed her hand and we sprinted down the stairs.


if this sucks it's bc half of it was written while i was lying on the floor listening to hamilton and almost crying bc my internet wouldn't connect. also, i didn't wanna read it back bc *criiiiinge*

i really hope it doesn't suck and sorry it's short.

695 words

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