pizza and truth or dare

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Narrator's P.O.V

With the pizza distributed and everyone comfortable on the couch, a comfortable chatter settled over the room before Sunny piped up.

"Hey! Can we play a game?" The small girl stared down her brother cheekily. She intended to find out the reason him and Isadora both looked like they'd just rolled out of bed when they came downstairs, not that she wasn't smart enough to figure it out by herself but, she wanted to hear it from them.

"Sure!" Violet and Duncan replied happily.

"Yeah! How about truth or dare...?" Quigley and Sunny clearly shared the same plan. Quigley of course, wanted Duncan to embarrass himself in front of Violet.

"Aha, sure!" Isadora laughed nervously.

"I'll go first!" Violet exclaimed. "Isadora! Truth or dare?"

"dARE!" I'm sure you can guess her reason for picking dare.

"Oookay...What is the most recent poem you've written?"

Isadora's P.O.V


Anything but that.

", I'm not really sure...I-It could have been anything-"

"Hey, why don't you go check for us, Isadora?" That little di- Of course Duncan had been looking over my shoulder.

"...Oh, okay." I shot him a death glare and trudged up the stairs to get my commonplace book. I quickly flipped through and found a couplet about something other than the most recent one. I flopped back down the stairs to my awaiting audience.

I cleared my throat:

"The sun scorches my neck and heats up my cheeks
Someone's cooking, it smells like leeks."

They stared at me silently before bursting out laughing.

"That's a masterpiece Izzie," Klaus said through his laughter. I smiled at the thought of making him laugh. I take a curtsey and giggle.

"ThAnk you, thANK yOu! I think it's YOUR turn now Duncan! Truth or dare?" I better get some satisfaction outta this otherwise-

"Dare." Smartass.

"Right. I dare you to-


Duncan's P.O.V

"Oh. Um..." Of course my stupid brother would say that. The thing is, I do have a crush on someone but they're in this room so this was about to get awkward. Well, they never said I had to tell them who it was, I just have to say someone dumb I did while lining after Vi-THAT PERSON! (while writing this, Vi autocorrected to avi and honestly, yeah.)

"Well, uh...I went to school with this girl I really liked and she used to sit a row in front of me but not directly in front, so I could see her face from my seat and...Sometimes I'd get in trouble for not paying attention in class because I was looking at her instead." I lowered my voice to a barely audible mumble for the last sentence.

"Sorry, I didn't quite catch that last bit?" Quigley pressed his hand to his ear. Stupid prat.

"I sAiD, IusedtogetintroublefornotpayingattentionbecauseIwasstaringatV-HER!" Smooth. Reeaaal smooth Duncan.

"OHHH Well that IS embarrassing. I'd love to find out who the mystery girl is!" Isadora looked very satisfied with this answer as she began teasing me (-_-)

She was especially smug because she'd been at Prufrock with me and knew damn well who this "mystery girl" was.

"OKAY WHO'S TURN NEXT! Klaus?" I needed to change the subject.

Klaus' P.O.V


"Okay then," Violet grinned. No, that was a very bad sign. "Truth or dare, brother dear?" Knowing her, she'd planned for me to pick dare, but the dare was probably just as bad as the truth (and of course she'd prepared something for both) so it surprised her when I said


"Hmm...Okay lemme think." Stop lying. I know you already have this planned out siStEr dEaR! "I dare you to eat this pizza covered in hot sauce." She pulled sriracha OUT OF HER POCKET, poured a heap onto perfectly eDiBlE slice and handed it to me. "Buon appetite, brother mine."

"I'll make you pay, siStEr miNe!" And so I took a bite.

It was really hot. To say the least. But I was gonna eat this slice because I needed to see the look on Violets face. I ate as quickly and as gracefully as possible with much "HAAAAAAAHH ITH HOHT" and I eventually ran to the kitchen for the milk, but I returned triumphant and received a standing ovation.

Violet's P.O.V
I really didn't expect him to be able to do that but he did and it was hilarious so I'm happy. We all decided to gang up on Quigley and make him not talk for the rest of the evening as his dare and it was a very satisfying end to the night.

We eventually settled down and watched a movie together (The Greatest Shownan, at Isadora's request) and Klaus seemed to think no one saw him put his arm around Isadora before the both fell asleep during the end credits.

I recalled falling asleep not long after that on something very comfortable and warm. On recollection I am extremely embarrassed to admit the fact that I may have fallen asleep on Duncan's shoulder.


hope you like this, idk how many more chapters i'll write. if anyone has plot suggestions that they'd like to see written (even one shots) i'll happily take them on board!

have a very nice night/day and stay safe in this global puttanesca


908 words

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