quick a/n

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so. I'm just gonna state a few things about the story you should know before reading.

1) the little asterisks are a way of showing that time has passed.

2) this sorta continues off another story of mine 'what friends are for', it isn't crucial you read this (but you should lol) because that fic is just my interpretation of the story, 'what friends are for' isn't different from the books/series in any way.

3) this story will be all my own and what I think and would like to happen after 'Chapter Fifteen'

4) if I can math, (hopefully, I can correct me if I'm wrong!) Violet will be 16, Klaus will be 14, Sunny will be 3 and Bea will be 1. The triplets are 15. I haven't decided if Fiona will be in this but if she is she'll be 16 (idk if that's right but imma make her 16)

5) if I feel the need to make a stupid comment during the story (and trust me, i will)  it'll be in (brackets) and in bold

'kay that's about it.

I'll *hopefully* be posting weekly yaaaay


also pls comment i'd love to know if you're enjoying it!


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