the QUACKmires birthday

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sorry for being MIA my dudes, i'm here now ;D

Narrator's P.O.V

The Quagmires were extremely excited for their surprise celebration and were desperately trying to guess where they were being taken.

Before they left, Violet and Klaus blindfolded them so they couldn't tell where they were going. It wasn't the safest option, (as Klaus took no time in pointing out and therefore would not let go of Isadora's hand, though she had no problems with that) but they weren't walking far so it seemed like the easiest option.

The Baudelaires had planned a trip to the zoo. It was a random thing to decide but they thought that a picnic in the park with fairy lights, mason jars and stargazing would be too stereotypical and expected so the auth- I MEAN the Baudelaires thought of some other place to take them. *ahem*

They apartment block was also insanely close to the zoo (that's convenient) and with much struggling from Duncan because he didn't want to be blindfolded, (Violet eventually bribed him) they headed on their way.

"whEre aRe wE gOoOinG!!???"

"yOu hAvE tO wAiT qUiG!" (who says this is open to interpretation, i reckon it's sunny tho)

"Waiting is no fun..." He mumbled as they were led to their destination.

After more struggling and Isadora nearly tripping, (cue Klaus scolding his sister for the blindfold idea and holding Izzie's hand tighter) the seven of them arrived. The blindfolds were removed, much to everyone's delight and-

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" was shouted by the Baudeaires loud enough for passerby's to stare. Duncan basically screamed ("yOu gUys sTaRtLeD mE, that's all!") when he was greeted by the sight of...

"THE ZOO??" The three of them exclaimed, mostly from confusion but also excitement because I can't imagine they'd been in a while.

"You guys like the idea of it?"

"Of course we do, Klaus!" Izzie assured him.

"c'mON LET'S GO!" Sunny led the way, she was equally excited because she couldn't remember going to the zoo.

Everyone was Oh So Happy to oblige and so they clasped hands and followed her in.


APOLOGIES FOR THE KINDA LAME CHAPTER BUT i'm tryna get this finished and i'm running out so hopefully maybe two more chapter and then i can tie this off and start something new!

feel free to comment any thing you'd maybe like to see me write!


403 words

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