CHAPTER 20: Before The Storm

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The French woman who was stationed on the yacht knew exactly what was gonna happen when she heard her leader and youngest comrade exchange those words. She looked ahead unfazed as the explosion startled a lot of people, many of them screaming and covering themselves in fear of the debris that could harm them. 

From farther away, the culprit of such explosion smirked, her emerald eyes still fixed on the screen in her hands, only for her smile to grow bigger as she handed the tablet to her leader, proof that her bombs indeed worked. From the area where the ghost stood, they could hear the chaos that ensued in the city. Battle cries were cried as the riot had began, the streets were flooded as people stood their ground, making a certain dictator flustered with the loss of control. 

With a few more clicks, the youngest ghost shut the power of the palace, Rovach certainly growing more and more frustrated by the minute as his defenses and security had been paralyzed finally realizing that they were under attack. The dictator then rushed outside, frantically wanting to get to safety, fleeing his palace. The parade of black cars alerted the ghost that was stationed just outside the gate. With his brother gone like a coward, Murat rushed inside to fight his part of the battle. His feet rushed through the marble halls, his own men by his side knowing exactly where they needed to go. 


Meanwhile on the field Three spoke quickly to the comms, complaining.  "Why is it always me that has to do this kind of shit man?" Zero shook her head as she heard the hitman, her head whipping to her leader who loudly dropped the case he and Five were holding up. His hand reaching for his walkie talkie, talking to it, scolding the man on the other side. "Hey, Chatty Cathy. Do you know what, over and out means?" 

"I'm just saying I'm a little afraid. What do you want me to say?" 

"Conversation's over. Capisce?" 

"You know there's a lot of bad guys and I'm the only good guy here. Move!" The hitman waved his hand to the people trying to avoid hitting any of them. 

"Move! Move! If I die, just tell my mother that I love her, Yeah?" 

" Over and out." The leader looked up at his youngest ghost right after he threw the walkie talkie to the water. Her mouth arched down frowning at him, her eyes pointedly pierced through his own. " You're an asshole One, he was just being sweet and you  threw the freaking thing over board. That was new."  The older man ignored her and went to join the others. The ghosts on board prepared for the journey and mission ahead, four of which went ahead and strapped themselves into bullet proof vests, Four on the other hand tested out the oxygen tank, slotting his mouth on the mouthpiece to suck some air out. From where she sat Zero played with a case with her foot. She bent down to pick it up, One coming up behind her, guiding her towards Seven. 

The soldier looked at the two ghosts in front of him with a questioning look as the young girl placed the case in front of him. His hands gingerly reached out to open the case, his face dumbstruck as he saw what was inside. Guns lay beautifully, staring back at him. he looked up only to see the shit-eating grin the two ghost gave him as he held them in his hands, utterly surprised at how light they were. 

"Where did you get these?"

"Pro shit." One said still looking at the weapons that Zero made per his request, just as the girl spoke up.

"Ghost guns. Ceramic barrels, plastic frames and plastic mags. Designed by yours truly." 

The tender moment was cut short by the comms, the sound of Three's frantic voice sent a chill in their spines. There was a faint skidding in the background as he shouted out something about an 'evil fuck.' the air among them darkening as they heard crashes, something that definitely did not connote something that went well. One looked expectantly at Zero as she tapped on her screen, her face scrunched up as she saw what had happened. The tracker had stopped in the middle of a street, her fingers began working faster as she tried looking for a vantage point, only to see Three crawling from underneath the upside down car.

" Three's still alive, I guess. One nasty crash though." The leader could only go ahead and nod his head at the report, almost relieved that the annoying hitman had survived somehow. Deep in thought, his hands were clasped around his collar, his eyes drifting towards Zero and Four who stood at the end of the boat, her hands fixing the tubes on the man's back and chest. Four took a deep breath and placed a hand on the young woman's cheek. The look of concentration on her face broken as he gazed into her emerald orbs. 

"You afraid?"

"Shit scared, love." 

For some reason Zero didn't feel the need to hide anymore, she placed her own hands on the blonde's cheeks and stared lovingly into his eyes. She pressed her forehead against his and close her eyes before pressing her lips against his, moving together slowly. It was only a few seconds but it told everything that they wanted to tell each other at that very moment, and no words could have said it any better than the kiss had. 

One who had witnessed the entire exchange felt something tug at his heartstrings. He couldn't deny the powerful thing that the two ghosts had, something that he had forbidden them to have, and he felt bad. A small smile graced his lips as he saw them sharing a tender embrace, talking before going onwards, trying to distract themselves from death that would most probably welcome them throughout the mission ahead. Ah young love he thought bitterly as his own train of thought drifted to the one person he had let get away.

Fucking young love.

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