CHAPTER 22: Freaking Magnets

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Security tried to stop Murat as he entered the room, his own men walking behind him, determined to fight for what was right, hearing fully what Rovach was planning. Ignoring the men that tried to pull him back, as he barged inside slamming his hand interrupting his brothers speech. He stood in front of the army men confidently his eyes scanning each one, some of them on their feet.

"Join me brothers. So you don't have to kill your own people again. Tell the military to back away from the boat. together, we will bring piece back to our beloved country.


The Kismet was teeming with ghosts, six of them haunting the lower section of the glamorous ship. Most of them went on to fix the vest they had on, Zero and One checking their phones while they walked into the boiler room. It was the French woman who led them into the room, her heels clicking "We're good. Guards have chest armor." "Yes they do." 

"Yeah, we have the fancy composite Kevlar, I hope this works, man." 

"It'll work."  The mission talk by Two, One and Seven stopped as Three interrupted gushing over some food, earning confused looks by everyone all except for One that had an annoyed and perplexed one. 

"They have some fancy food up there. "

"Really? Tell me more about that. Don't hold back." 

"This fish soup, they call uh... Labu...Labuan."

"I'm fucking kidding, focus!" One said, frustrated that his sarcastic comment was not received as such.

"It's so delicious, man. They put this cheese on it." Three continued, unaware that the leader was about to blow.

"Does it have to be on the walkie-talkie? And we're all standing right here. Yeah?" One finally snapping.

"Don't you give me attitude, okay?"

"Over and out." One said dismissing the ghost that had barely had the chance to retort his words evaporating in his throat. the leader then knelt in front of the metal pipes, taking out three orbs, opening his palms laying them there as he swiped on his phone, after a few seconds the orbs flew up sticking on the pipe. He looked up to see his ghosts assembled behind him.

"Welcome to the world's biggest magnet." 


The ghosts scattered once more, Three and Two breaking away from the rest while Seven led the others outside. The ship's crew and guests were still screaming for their own lives, guards began piling inside and as promised the heavy armor was displayed proudly on their chests. The ghosts hid behind the wall, crouching down making the leader drop his phone. Cursing, he scrambled to fix the phone that had separated into a few pieces. A horn blared and made the panic more pronounced than before, Zero glanced to her leader from beside Seven as she watched him shaking as he held the chip that was out of place. 

" The fucking chip fell out." 

" What?" "What?!"

"The chip fucking fell out!" 

"Well then, Fix it!"

"I can't just fix it, all right. The phone is very fucking complicated."  As he wrestled with the tiny chip the other ghost rolled their eyes, pressing their backs farther into the wall. The Soldier and the tech woman faced the pier only to see a bunch of armed men position themselves, the two ghosts began to shoot back at them, desperately trying to protect their leader as he tried to fix his phone. "One! Five" Get down!" 

More men began shooting from inside the ship, Seven and Zero turning around to shoot back at them as well, both of them retreating as more came coming out. Seven sat beside the youngest ghost checking if she was hit, scanning her as he saw the graze on her arm. "Zero, your bleeding. Stand down!" This made one look at the two from across him and Five. He saw Seven's concerned look and looked at Zero who was clutching the gun tighter as her arm bled profusely. His heart picked up and a pinching pain began to prick his chest. He looked down, more determined to fix, trying to make his hands work faster. With a few clicks he got the chip in, and to his excitement began exclaiming things that got swallowed by the gunshot noises. 

His fingers then turned the phone around so he could face the screen. His fingers not stopping even with a grenade thrown in front of him. Th other ghost tried to take cover from the impending explosion as a droning sound began whirring through the ship. One watched as the grenade got pulled in further to the ship, pulling the men in their armor with it. The ghost looked up and saw the feat in front of them, most of the men began to drop from the wall they were stuck to, the bomb then detonated, exploding in some of their faces. 

The fear startled One who, pressed on his phone to do it again. Pulling the guards to the other side of the ship, killing many of them in the process. The ghosts watched as the magnets did their thing, One even going ahead to express his surprise. "Holy Shit! I mean, I wasn't sure it would work. I mean, I wasn't 'sure' sure. I had a suspicion, but I, uh... God, this is all so fucking dangerous."  His monologue was met by the doctor crouching by his side and the injured one from across of them.

"You think?" 

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