CHAPTER 24: Final Stretch

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All the ghosts breaths hitched as they hear the leader, say those words. They imagined the worse had happened to the youngest among them, one of them worrying the most, his current situation out of his mind. One tried to catch the girl as she fell to the ground, he laid her on the floor, lifting her shirt seeing the glass shard piercing her skin. He tried pulling it out, grimacing at it caught slightly, he was sure that it didn't reach any of her organs but she was still bleeding like hell. 

One was scared, his hands began to shake as Zero fought for consciousness, her eyes drooping as he pressed harder on the wound, Five was stuck and couldn't get anywhere near them, so he held on to her tighter. "Stay with me pipsqueak we're nearly done for Pete's sake"  Lilah could only let out a chuckle, pushing away One's hands that were now caked with her blood. "You need to go help Four, I don't got a chance at this rate, you can still save him." She said as tears began to well in her eyes, the green orbs sad yet hopeful. One was about to protest when she reached up to place one of her hands to his shoulder "Please One. Help him." 

He shook his head finally cracking to the request. "You stay here. Don't die on us, you are gonna come home with us." He pulled her towards the wall, sitting her up. picking up a discarded towel tying it around her waist. he looked down one last time at the tired girl, picking up his gun and fulfilling her request. He walked slowly, trying to be aware of any threat, cautiously approaching an opening as he aimed his gun ready to shoot at the sound resonating from it. He quickly pointed it at a man that had turned out to be Three, he dropped his weapon as the man kept his at the ready. " I almost shot you in the head!" 

"Damnit! You go check on Zero she's down there pretty hurt."  The two both cursed at each other going their separate ways to save two ghost that could potentially be in mortal peril. Three reached Zero first, lowering his weapon as he placed a hand on the girl's head. "Hey there mija. you hanging in there?"  The girl only gave the man a lopsided smile too tired to begin speaking. 

One on the other hand still carefully walked on the deck, his eyes scanning every nook searching for Four, his search interrupted by Five that was asking for " One, Rovach's leaving with a guard. What do you want me to do?"  Shaking his head he called out to Four instead "Four, where you at buddy?" 

"One, please!" 


" Help me!"  

"Give me a hint buddy." 

"What's your 20? Anyone got eyes on the target?" Seven spoke placing a fresh mag in his gun

"I don't know my 20. Stay of the channel, I'm going for Four. Four where you at buddy?" 

"You're breaking your own rules. I thought you didn't have a family?" 

Upon hearing the little exchange Three faced the girl who already had a knowing look on her face, he laughed slightly as she held on to his hand that began cleaning the blood on her face. Tears slowly streaming down her face. On the top deck, One felt like he was walking aimlessly, the dark of the night didn't help as he tried to look for Four.

"Big ship, say something pal." 

"He's gonna kill me. Look Bond, you gotta get here fast."

One walked further in as he heard the grunts and punches getting louder and louder, he crept behind a wall hiding himself as he began to shoot at the man that immediately fell to the ground. He walked closer to four who was laying on the ground looking beaten.

"There you are. Cleavers."

"What?" The blonde said confused as he reached up to grasp the hand the older man was offering him.

" It's a TV show. Come on let's go. Fucking Millennials. Ship's sinking and Zero needs ya."

-sorry it's a little shorter than the others

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