His Butler, Setting Sail

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"So this is the Campania?"

"She's huge!"

"Blimey Snake, you're so lucky you get to go."

"You too Y/n!"

The entire household had come along to the docks to see the young master off on the maiden voyage of the Majestic Star Liner's Campania. Not everyone was going sadly. It was just to infiltrate a meeting of doctors, what could possibly happen?

"You could have my place if you'd like," you said to them. 

"That's enough gawking, I trust you all to see to your duties while we're away. I'm putting Tanaka in charge. Do try not to burn the house down you three," Sebastian sighed.

"Hey Y/n, you've been glowing lately, are you and Sebastian...?" Mey-rin whispered as you gave her a farewell hug. 

"Don't be obscene Mey-rin," you said instantly looking around to the people around you making sure no one heard but they were all too busy saying their goodbyes. You threw her a wink and you two grinned at each other like little girls with a dirty secret. 

"Let's be off you three," the young lord said from the stairs leading to the ship. 


You looked over the ship's side to see them waving up at you. They looked a bit small since the boat was enormous in size compared to other ships, you didn't expect that. The horn blared loudly causing you to cover your ears and the boat set to sail, a few minutes passed before the shoreline became invisible to the naked eye. 

"Ciel?.... you're here!"

Oh no

You had forgotten that the Lady Elizabeth was coming on the journey. Along with Paula, her elder brother, Lord Edward, her father, Lord Scottney, and her mother Lady Scottney.

To call the Lady Scottney a moody individual was a slight understatement. She just... prefers things to be in order. If you can call it that. After pulling you, Sebastian, and Snake aside and chewing you out, she forced them to comb their hair back and you to take off your wedding ring and forbade you to make any obscene or unnecessary contact, whether it be eye contact or physical. Servants weren't allowed to be in service and be married. You stood by Paula keeping your eyes on the ground before the Marquess could throw you anymore nasty looks.

You were kind of bored staring at the intricate pattern of the carpet and your feet started to hurt after a while. Ah the voice of Lord Grey, how you wish you could tip him over the both into the freezing Atlantic waters. You thought you'd have the pleasure of never hearing his loud rambunctious voice again, how wrong.

After their tea and luncheon you were forced to walk around the ship with them. The sun shining on you compensated for how cold it was but of course the semi rough waters of the open ocean sprayed a little seamist on deck. Ocean water is always so beautiful, such a deep blue flecked with green seaweed and white seafoam. Maybe the tales of sailors falling in love with the sea are true, maybe there are mermaids waiting to drag you down. There are demons, something completely not human versus something half human, makes a little sense.

"Hey- watch where you're going wench."

You had bumped into some obese white haired old man with a monocle and a top hat sporting a woman on each arm who decided to make a spectacle of you. 

"I apologize my lord, I shall take care from now on." You said instinctively, Sebastian had been too good of a teacher... normally this man would've gone over the edge of the boat without a second thought.

"Hmph they should bring back the whippings they used to have. Country's gone soft I tell you. Where is your master you pathetic doll?"

"Pathetic doll?" The young master and his extended family stood behind you looking as if they wanted a piece of the man to themselves. "A man of your size has no say in how pathetic someone may or may not be. I'd consider a different diet so you can peacefully walk and not bump into anyone, don't blame it on my maid. I suggest you apologize to her unless you want a taste of humble pie."

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